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Allow the usage of "Vignette" for images


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Oh? That worked?
What I did was I removed the ending of the URL. up to the image extension name.

EDIT: Okay, after some very mild testing, it appears as though the site has no issue whatsoever with "Vignette". But a bunch of the Wiki image URLs don't end in an image extension (such as png/etc). They end with some sort of revision format.
For example: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/e/e5/Number62GalaxyEyesPrimePhotonDragon-PRIO-EN-UR-1E.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/300?cb=20140614094634


By deleting that, up to the actual image extension, I get something more normal. But then the weird part is that in my above example, the image doesn't work. By pasting that in a search engine, I discover the request path doesn't work. But by changing the number after "vignette"...it works perfectly.






So...I guess when you mess with the URL, double check the URL itself in the address bar. If the image works, it'll work here.

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