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Sense of humor

Fusion X. Denver

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>bomb chemistry final 

>friends ask how it went

>make hiroshima joke

>friend 1 dies laughing

>friend 2 disapproves the joke

>friend 3 is more hung up with the contextual use than the actual joke


Humor's a funny thing.

While you ponder over whether that pun's intentional or not, what's your sense of humor like?

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My sense of humor varies wildly on seemingly arbitrary factors, with mood being the most consistent variable.


In a good mood, I often use purposefully overdramatic statements or comments, primarily for my own amusement. These get funnier when I catch myself saying something that's so absurd that I'm doing a double take, but the people around me are so used to it that they don't bat an eye. The contrast of reactions makes it funnier.


In a slightly irritated, but not negative mood, I'm extremely sarcastic. I've determined I do this because if my own sarcasm amuses me, it elevates my mood and prevents whatever's annoying me from affecting me negatively. This is most commonly used at work, but I get annoyed when other people, who don't understand my personality, react excessively to the sarcasm. (The correct reaction is to either shrug off the comments, or fix whatever behavior you're doing that I'm being snarky about)


When neutral mood, but comfortable around the people near me, I'm playfully insulting. However, I will frequently emphasize that I'm kidding, and I do at times verify with the person that I'm not actually offending them (and if I am, I want them to tell me so that I stop).


None of my jokes are deliberately mean-spirited.

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My sense of humor typically boils down to stupid shit and/or otherwise goofy things; Most of this is reference based.
Provided, the joke in question has some cleverness to it.
But aside from that, a lot of random things in general will make me smile in a humorous way.
Gumball follows it up by saying Darwin is "cheating" for using the same move over and over again.
Then if you consider the game they are referencing, it becomes even funnier.

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People generally don't think I have a sense of humor because they're often too stupid/do not want to ponder anything/to understand anything further than their own noses/self-created concepts.

But humor is fantastic. It can be used anywhere with malleable intention and, with the benevolent, even to heal. It should be used in more places as a method of mood improval rather than seen as impudence during arrogant, false situations where people want to "be serious."

In terms of myself, I guess I have a unique sense of humor. It is existent, but most people can't empathize with it.

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I generally do storytelling jokes. Usually beginning with something somebody said, and me saying "I have this image of _____".
Next is terrible puns. I can make them anytime about anything. I can make a pun from anything.
Other than that, it's spur of the moment stuff.

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My sense of humor varies wildly on seemingly arbitrary factors, with mood being the most consistent variable.


In a good mood, I often use purposefully overdramatic statements or comments, primarily for my own amusement. These get funnier when I catch myself saying something that's so absurd that I'm doing a double take, but the people around me are so used to it that they don't bat an eye. The contrast of reactions makes it funnier.


In a slightly irritated, but not negative mood, I'm extremely sarcastic. I've determined I do this because if my own sarcasm amuses me, it elevates my mood and prevents whatever's annoying me from affecting me negatively. This is most commonly used at work, but I get annoyed when other people, who don't understand my personality, react excessively to the sarcasm. (The correct reaction is to either shrug off the comments, or fix whatever behavior you're doing that I'm being snarky about)


When neutral mood, but comfortable around the people near me, I'm playfully insulting. However, I will frequently emphasize that I'm kidding, and I do at times verify with the person that I'm not actually offending them (and if I am, I want them to tell me so that I stop).


None of my jokes are deliberately mean-spirited.

TIL evilfusion is me.

No but really pretty much everything you said is just the same for me. I'm a bit more sarcastic and dry more often but other than that, basically this.

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I'm pretty easily entertained, I tend to laugh at pretty much anything that's meant to be funny.


Though I guess my favorite kind of humor is with properly timed jokes. A good example being how Ray in Achievement Hunter videos will always chime in with something absolutely hilarious at the perfect time.

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TIL evilfusion is me.

No but really pretty much everything you said is just the same for me. I'm a bit more sarcastic and dry more often but other than that, basically this.


My default mode is dry/sarcastic. I've been told many times that people have trouble telling when I'm joking. This is probably because I'm not very emotionally expressive, so my tone doesn't change much, despite efforts to. It's when I'm in a very good mood that it's more evident.


My usual response to the uncertainty is that I'm almost always joking, unless I'm blatantly hostile.

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My sense of humor has been so horribly warped by the internet that only I really seem to find it funny, aside from a couple I can bring out.


What sucks is trying to figure out whether or not your sense of humor is acceptable to a person. They'll either love you for it or hate your guts.

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My sense of humor...changes too much all the time, nya!


At times, I'm like armz, relying on reference jokes, but my favorites are wordplays and puns, definitely.


Still, at times I quite liked sarcasms, perverted jokes, and others~


Not entirely related but what I still want to mention, at times people should realize that their joke can hurt others' feeling, and really, it's not a case of "you 'don't have a sense of humor". More people needs to realize that so that, at least, they can understand why people get offended to jokes, meow.


Not that I'm implying that people here are like that, but it's really just...yeah.

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I laugh at a lot of things, it's nice to be easily entertained.


Otherwise, a lot of my humor is self-deprecative, which is fine, but I should probably dial it back around women since that ain't attractive.

I'm not good with jokes, I lean more towards trying to say something I know will get a laugh or smile out of people I know. Not very good with entertaining strangers.

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Yo, guys, keep the spam to a minimum, please. Perhaps, humor me in my new position. Get it? lololololololololololhahahahahahahahaha

Being a Brit, my sense of humour tends to be pretty deadpan at the best of times. That said, I'm a sucker for just random anecdotal humour.

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