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[CFV] Tachikaze Legion

Just Crouton

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No idea what I'm doing.


G0s: 17

FV Dragon Egg/ Babysaurus/ Something

4 Fire Priestess (Crit)

4 Firepteryx (Crit)

4 Dinodile (Crit)

4 Black Cannon Tiger (Crit)


G1s: 14

4 Tyrannoblaze

4 Igunogorg

4 Paraswall (Sentinel/ PG)

2 Gioconda


G2s: 10

4 Night Armor (Mate)

4 Beamankylo

2 Dinocrowd


G3s: 8

4 Magma Armor (Legion)

4 Spinodiver

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Ehh...Magma Armor is pretty mediocre, to be honest.


It doesn't even work that well with Dark Rex more than the other legion.


So yeah, not a fan of Dark Rex here. Cut Triplasma for the LB Enabler, and Skyptero's meh so don't use it. Use the unflipper instead, but idk if it's released in ECG yet. It'll just be dead whenever you can't breakride, and 6k that can't be used by your other stuffs aside from Spino sucks. Try using Deinoclawed over Tyrannobite because Magma Armor helps mitigate the lack of Bite and Deino makes the deck more offensive and more capable of game ending pushes.

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You really want at least 2 of the Limit Break enabler if you're trying to play Break Rides. Unless you're absolutely sure you don't care about break riding or not. Considering Spinodriver's advantage generation, I'd think you want to care a lot.

Skyptero doesn't do anything here for you. Just max Tri-Plasma and/or play the unflipper (if you can). Dinocrowd's an option over Beamankylo for spamming Tyrannobite as much as possible or something idk. Or take Nai's advice and just toss out Bite since Magma already revives. I'd recommend Nai's suggestion.

I don't think Dark Rex is necessary.

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Ehh...Magma Armor is pretty mediocre, to be honest.


It doesn't even work that well with Dark Rex more than the other legion.


So yeah, not a fan of Dark Rex here. Cut Triplasma for the LB Enabler, and Skyptero's meh so don't use it. Use the unflipper instead, but idk if it's released in ECG yet. It'll just be dead whenever you can't breakride, and 6k that can't be used by your other stuffs aside from Spino sucks. Try using Deinoclawed over Tyrannobite because Magma Armor helps mitigate the lack of Bite and Deino makes the deck more offensive and more capable of game ending pushes.



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