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Prepare to be Judged

Nathanael D. Striker

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How ironic.



How ironic indeed, oh great shipper. Let's see, um, I don't really have any grudges from you. You really have grown as a member from the time I first met you until now, but you can be an ass at times. Also, you steady dislike for me is troubling since I don't remember doing anything to you. TBH, I'd love to see you more in CC just for the bolt in activity since you have provided that before. And if you try referring to your past performance, everybody has a bad cardmaking streak. I have had my fair share of them.



oh oh oh me


I still can't believe you put your faith in my a couple months ago. I never expected it given our past interaction and you saying that you would never forgive me for what happened in AP I. You are an alright mod, though I don't see you do much anymore. That and we really don't talk much considering we have each other's Skype and all. I'm sorry if I let you down, but I am still thankful for you believing in me and giving me a chance.


boom shakalaka


Hello Toyo. Great cardmaker, but your hatred for CC newbs disturbs me. You really need to take a chill pill and take a gentler approach to these issues. While you have done a fair amount for CC, that is one area you really need to improve on. And more Leaderboard participation please.


didn't this fad die a while ago


Probably, though finals caused a delay for me. TBH, I don't have much to say about you. Sorry. u.u


I seriously do not recall making such a bet with you Dae.


Your continued hatred for me is surprising. While most people have moved on, you haven't. Why? What drives you to hate me for this long?

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