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Prepare to be Judged

Nathanael D. Striker

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Note: I am on my phone, so this will be a bit short. Sorry. u.u

Let's see if you remember me striker

Sadly, I really don't recall much. I do remember that we talked a bit on Skype (still have you iirc). If you were a part of the Leaderboard, then I seriously apologize for my forgetfulness. X__X As far as I recall, you are an alright guy.

Hit me.

I only know you from the Leaderboard, so I can't really give an opinion on you. Sorry.

yes oh yeah yes

Ah Welche, how are you doing? I don't know why I still have you on Skype, but I guess that isn't a bad thing. XD Considering you are a goose and I am a duck, we are natural enemies. Though really, I hold no grudge at all.

Uh, Striker, I think I've taken over your position as the resident highest judge, meow.

No, I still retain the position of resident highest judge. I held it before modship, and I'm keeping it now. And tbh, yii are already a better mod than I was. I'm glad I picked you as my successor (yes, I vouched for Gadjitron too yet I have my reasons), and you haven't disappointed me yet. As a member, we need to talk more. Not knowing you outside of the Leaderboard and modship is not good at all.


If this was a couple years ago, my opinion of you would revolve around "WTF?" and "I can't believe you were convinced that I was bad". Hyperbole, yes, but I hope you get the point. Now that I know what was going on then, I understand. Present day, I enjoy talking to you. We may not be close friends or talk much, but the time we do talk is very nice indeed. I hope we can get closer as friends in the future. :P

Go right ahead.

Best new member I have met in a long time, so be proud. You took the initiative to go out, and I bet everyone respects you for that. Thank you for talking to me on Skype, because that helps me a lot. You are a very good cow.
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*prepares to be judged*


Don't have much to say tbh, but I can offer some advice. Branch out early and post often. The more interests you have, the more people you'll get to know and the better you'll be.


I'm excited.


You have caused me a lot of grief over the years. At times, you can be extremely stubborn and arrogant. Though, there are times where you are alright to be around. I can never tell how you'll act since you a very unpredictable no matter how predictable you say you are. And before I forget, thank you. If you want to why I just did that, add me on Skype.


I don't have much to say, sorry. u.u

[spoiler=I will be the Judge]tumblr_mvr8p9rSaA1r6mrcio1_500.gif[/spoiler]yolo


First of all, be on Skype more. Second of all, thanks for not hating me back in my bad days. That meant a lot to me then, and it still does now. And me being back in AP says a lot about how much has changed from between then and now.

judge me pls

You, my good sir, need to learn to be consistent with your card making. You had many chances to win the Leaderboard, and you have blown them all. You can be a great cardmaker when you try, but you can be a terrible one when you don't. As I said before, consistency.

Might as well ask you, since the converse already happened.

I don't like how you cut me off from CC discussions during the last week or so of my modship, but I understand why. Still, it would have been nice to do my job until the end. I remember 2009 when I beat you in my first card contest. It was a close one, but I will never forget it. Wish you didn't go on your 2 year hiatus since it detached you from your fellow peers from the year. So yea...
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I don't even remember from back then, o_O


But out of fairness, I was going to include you in mod conversations once the incident settled down.

Honestly, you didn't miss anything, considering Zex was busy at the time, and never spoke about things.


For my 2-year thing, I basically left because of the massive flame wars and other things; plus I lost interest once Espeon died out.

To be honest, I didn't really plan on returning last year; probably one of the reasons I did was that YCM finally got an Xyz template added and I suppose too many memories to forget this place.

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@Sakura: It was a milestone since I was a bit of a newb then and you were somewhat of a known cardmaker at the time. The NDL guys were thrilled, that's for sure. Though, I think it was early 2010. XD

@Dae: Fuck no.


Okay then, I don't like the fact that you were only my friend because of a bet with Broken. That still doesn't sit well with me, but I don't hold a lot of grudges if any. You are an okay member who likes to joke too much. Though, I'm not surprised you became as popular as you are now so congrats.

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