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+1 Bear for the Tenki engine.

A 2nd Fossil Dig wouldn't hurt I guess, since you run 3 targets.

Isn't Foucault's Cannon a decent Normal Pendulum? I don't know.

Minoan feels a bit too silly. I think you could replace it with a 3rd Warwolf for safer Rabbit plays.

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+1 Bear for the Tenki engine.

A 2nd Fossil Dig wouldn't hurt I guess, since you run 3 targets.

Isn't Foucault's Cannon a decent Normal Pendulum? I don't know.

Minoan feels a bit too silly. I think you could replace it with a 3rd Warwolf for safer Rabbit plays.

Forgot foucault tbh.

Problem is how tight deck space is (kinda).

Minoan can come out but other than that im kinda out of idea's :/

Plus maybe a pendulum back wouldnt hurt but again im unsure what to take out.

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