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Pehteh, Nebu, Mehr'em Sechem (Pyramid of Light Skill Drain)


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Because Malefics are overrated.




Monsters (18)
1x Theinen the Great Sphinx (because 6500 beatstick out of nowhere is too awesome)
2x A Cat of Ill Omen (ze kitty here can search for any trap you need at the moment)
3x Andro Sphinx (Because it's the point of the deck)
3x Sphinx Teleia (same as above)
3x Beast King Barbaros (3k beater unhindered by Skill Drain? hell yea!)
3x Qliphort Shell (why does this overpowered archetype exist? T_T)
3x Cardcar D (Draw power unaffected by Skill Drain)
Spells (6)
3x Pot of Duality (for consistency)
3x MST (staple and combos with Pyramid for insta-Theinen)
2x Mound of the Bound Creator (Testing it out)
1x Dark Hole (because i prefer to also get a Theinen on the board, as well as cleaning annoying pests)
1x Terraforming (to search for Mound)
Traps (16)
3x Pyramid of Light (Key card to bring the Sphinxes)
3x Skill Drain (Self-explanatory)
1x Solemn Warning
1x Compulsory
1x BTH
1x Torrential
1x Dimensional Prison
2x Imperial Custom (MST on my continuous? NOPE!)
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If your goal is to kill your own Pyramid of Light with MST you might as well try running Double Cyclone instead. At least you'll be able to take out an opponents field along with your own card.


that's more of an added bonus actually. so DC is not really viable


I had a similar idea, and  I think you should up your count of mound to 3. Untargetable, indestructible 3k beater is nothing to sneeze at


i think 2 is ok as it makes theinen too hard to summon

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