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Aix is probably indifferent to most people, but let's go.


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I personally have 0 issues with bluntness, but your tone just always gives a very negative impression. You may also be unable to get jokes, or your dry humor is just not very good. I assume the former in my head. I've appreciated you coming forwards to me with your opinions of the site and such, though you don't do so any more.

That's because I got another Skype account. I don't use the one I had you on and, actually, I don't think you are even a contact on that account anymore.

And in terms of the humor, it most likely is the former. Very often do I fail to catch the point of a joke most people say, especially because I have an incredibly open-mind to anything being a possibility so many times do I take irony and sarcasm as serious statements that could actually be true.
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Sweet baby aix lay it on me. 

You're probably the person I respect the most on this site. You're a cool guy, you're good at art, and you're funny. Most importantly though, you're a genuinely nice human being who has made serious efforts for everyone here. You're unarguably the leader figure on this site, and you've always managed to see the logic in the situation and get your point through even when everyone else is freaking out. Shit, I may have laid it too heavy on the compliments there. No homo.


Do I even dare.  

Can't say much about you, but you're a little argumentative.


Rawr. Me pls~

You're a really nice and cheerful person, and I like that. It's been too long since I've RPed with you, but I'd like to see you RP again.


Dare I ask...

Pretty indifferent towards you, though our interactions have been fun.

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May as well see what you think of me.

You're the best new member, although I suppose that isn't saying much since we don't have many new members at the moment. You seem like a pretty cool guy, however, you don't make much of a big impression to me when you post, you're sorta just in the background as wallpaper, albeit very nice wallpaper. (hehe, that doesn't sound like a compliment but it is) You don't post that much either. You should go become the next up-and-rising active member after CowCow.

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My previous forum experiences should've left me jaded at this kind of stuff, but this sounds like a nice little community - nothing like the place I used to mod. So... why not? :D

Sorry, but I honestly have no clue who you are, I don't even have any recollection of seeing you post. ^^;

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