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My opinions on YCMembers


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>mfw I let this accumulate into 13 people




I know you feel negatively about me so I want to see what you say.


You should ask yourself as to why I see you negatively. Maybe it's the fact that you're never having fun around here, always with your serious talks and also with your offenses to other members, even if subtly. You might be a different person with Skype or whatever, but here, I can't find reasons to like you at all.


This ought to be fun.


Ultra-spiffy! Ok I swear I'll be done with the Toaru series before January 1st. I promise!

Giga is one of the coolest members of this site. I know you've been a little bit down lately but I'm sure it was just a bad moment. Keep being ultra-awesome! Also Niv-Mizzet is great. Dragons are great, in general.




Zai is a guy I never interacted much with... but that's about to change since we both play MtG and he's one hell of a cool guy. I should hit you up on Skype more often (I have you as a contact for quite a while but my distractions have always been pretty big).


Hit me. 


I don't know anything about you, but judging you as a new and upcoming member you seem to be a pretty decent one.


^baby, one more time.



Ah, Fusion... how I wish I had interacted with you more. You're also one of the guys I looked up to back in my early days, and you're just overall plain awesome. Do you have Skype? I gotta add you.




Nice to meet you, where you been? I can show you incredible things~

Thar is a true bro. The crackfics were some of the funniest things I've ever read (and I still haven't read them all... and I'm on vacation now... hmmmmm.) We gotta talk more too. Perhaps I should ask you to teach me how to photoshop, since this is a skill I'm currently lacking.


we don't talk much but you're chill and i have you on facebook so thats something


Ademir Besirovic. Judging by your Facebook, you're also someone I wouldn't mind turning gay for. Geez, this Showcase place is filled with hotties.

Very fun guy that I ought to talk to more, as well. Also learn a thing or two about art from you.


I'm not biting you, you f***ing pervert.


MY ALTER EGO. 5D's for life. Also don't lie to yourself, you like my tastes. Hehe.

Pacman is all sorts of awesome. Plays Hearthstone, loves 5D's and Synchrons, was literally me for a whole day and is a good friend.


I'm a little curious.


Where do I even begin, gosh. First of all, let's get this out of the way: if you're not evilfusion, then you're doing it wrong. Secondly: I'll never forget how you piloted the early Photon deck that tribute summoned Galaxy-Eyes. That deck was a masterpiece. Also, mad respect for being one of the top players in DN for so long, WITHOUT using the top meta decks at the time. You have a great admiration from me, and thank you for replacing Pika as the TCG mod as you're a much better mod.


Yeah why do you want people to bite you.  




Says the tentacle monster.

Sometimes you have opinions that are a little... questionable, but they're still opinions and by definition, they can't be wrong. And you seem to be into so many different things as well.


plz no


dog king muh brotha

can we bring back 2011 tcg section, pls?




Ashley is a fellow Maelstrom Wanderer player. Need I say more? You're just awesome and, as much as we disagree on many things, our discussions are always healthy and I like to believe they help us improve our own points of view. And I still gotta listen to RWBY Volume 2 OST. Damn, I keep getting distracted.






TBH I really would prefer you in place of YCMaker, but since that is currently impossible, you're doing a very good job at being the head of the staff. I have great admiration from you and I hope to learn some art from you, as well.

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