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Ask what I think about you, I'll say some shit.


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fuck i actually care about your opinion. 


You're rambunctious, egotistical, and flamboyant as fuck. I love that shit. 


Out of all my showcase children, you embarrass me the least.

you're also my favorite, don't tell the other fucks though.


I genuinely think you've got a lot of potential and an equal amount of talent, but you've been slacking in the graphic design area, that shit isn't cool. 


I want to know.


Didn't know who the fuck you were until I looked at the past name history, you need to stop changing your name every other week. 


Regardless, I actually think you're fairly misunderstood but that's only because that's just the way you present yourself.


You actually fucking despised me initially, while others would've probably just written you off because of it I actually found it intriguing. I actually think you're one of the most interesting people I've ever met and it's honestly a shame that a lot of people won't give you a chance and see that. I find most people to be bland and boring as fuck, you're the complete opposite, and it'll forever perplex me why I find you to be so alluring.  


Wow, wasn't expecting this.


Hello there!


oh the bae


I think you're dope as fuck, I could easily see myself hanging out with you for hours on end. Doubt I could say the same about many of the other kids on here.

Nevertheless, I've got a shit ton of respect for you, though I'm still mad at you for ditching Showcase. 


you're like batman right


I think you'd make for a good moderator, probably the best thing I could say about anyone.

and yeah but keep it a secret.


oh gosh


You're the glue of YCM. 





That's all I got for now seeing as though I see some paragraphs coming in the near future. 

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Oh good.

Thank you for such a nice reply.

Perhaps one day we will find out why you find me so interesting. It is odd we haven't yet because I'm on this site about 18/7 quite literally.

Those missing six hours are my sleep, but my point is I am on very often so if you would like casual discussion then I would love to participate in that with you.

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