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I need an excuse to not do this essay


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What do you know?

isn't this one of the ones that hangs out in showcase and never leaves


I have no seen anything offensive



You know nothing.

would always get you confused with that other raeg


remember him? The one who would be bored, say he's bored in status, and everyone would make fun of him for it?


he got really pissed about it at one point


you are cool man



Things you know what?

itt I learned this is actually welche and not someone else

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who are you


just kiddin' i know your name


but that's about it, i dunno you

I am the great and powerful Mako109


I made a meme once. That's about it.




problems have been had. Generally left me confused as to why. I think it had something to do with bird foreskin


but that doesn't matter anyway. A good person you is

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