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I want to strike my feelings with all my strength, lethally even, against you.

Maeriberii Haan

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I'll try to answer this honestly and politely.


I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude or insensitive.


I can't die. I am the dae. try me. 

I believe, back when you returned here last year, I quite looked up at you. You was cool, though somewhat blunt back then. Not sure about why, but lately I'm seeing you more and more to be....jerk-ish for the sake of it, if that's the right word for this. You might have not changed at all from back then, but this is coming from my perspective.


Though, you're still quite cool.




Hi RAEG! Well, back then I found your 10 PMs a day somewhat annoying since you kept deleting them too fast and those drowning my important PMs deeper and deeper, but personally you're quite nice, especially now that we've moved to skype. I still think you need to just start trying things and be less worried about starting it, but yeah, don't push yourself too hard if you're not able to.


nai hai hai nai guy


To be honest, I haven't really interacted with you much. A shame really, since from what others said, you're a pretty nice person. But this might be because we're just hanging out in different sections mostly.


Hit me with your best shot, fire away.


You're sooo nice. Like really really nice. It's really good having you around.


Glad that you're not as bitter as you were on the last several weeks about things. You're a great friend to talk with, and I like our conversations in skype, like seriously.



Please, don't be gentle.


You're really a great person from all the times I'm seeing you around in Skype, and you're nice and fun most of the time, yeah, although at times I'm not really a fan of your type of jokes. Somewhat impulsive and emotional at times too, even when it's better to sit down and think about an act more.


But hey, you're cool in my book. Just...I kind of felt that there's this inexplicably huge distance between us two for some reasons.


Hai caeil


[spoiler=fun trivia]Caeil is an anagram of Alice, Alice->Arisu in japanese, change the last letter to A and you get Arisa[/spoiler]


Aaanyway, wait, you're Magikarp? Damn, should've guessed earlier that he's your alt, but man, that explains why he's not around anymore. (although that explains why Magikarp acts really unlike other newbies in the forum and more able to interact with older members).


Magikarp's a cool guy, and you're too, at times.


And it's fun to make fun of you~




I know this one


guten tag, sausages and whatnot


Ah, it's sad that we doesn't interact more, since you're a cool guy, I like interacting with you in RP, and you're really enthusiastic about them too, which is really nice.


I just wish you have skype so we can talk more and have coordination for RPs easier



Curiosity got the best of me.


You're cool, and personally you're like...my second favorite moderator when I was still new here (first one is still Koko). You just have...this air of responsibility around you, and I like the fact that you're always approaching everything calmly, rationally, and as neutral as possible. Though...idk, at times either this (or the fact that these missed your attention for too long or you're just not online during those times), it just felt like some things in TCG that could've been handled fast ended up snowballing out of control.


But yeah, you're still a really cool mod, and I really respect you and your position here.


Sure sounds like fun.




I haven't known you for too long, but damn, you're really laid back and fun.


I love having you around to converse with, and your fun attitude makes things more fun in this site.


Meh, why not.


It's not like our mod convos are for nothing, though.




I believe that there's a certain issue that has bugged me for quite a while about you.


You felt soo...distant from others, and at times, often jumps into the conclusion a bit too fast. But the main issue is, hmm...I'm sorry if this sounded rude since I don't mean to hurt you, but you felt too...robotic with your everything here. I guess you just want to have an air of stoicism going for you and to not approach things emotionally, but idk, it felt eerily unnatural for me. I've talked to new members that are quite unnerved by your approach to things, and this is why not everyone is a fan of you greeting new people in introduction. Just...try be more lively. Show more emotions, crack some jokes, and yeah. It might be just me, but personally, it somewhat unnerved me too.


But still, as a mod, you're really good and active, immediately jumping into action whenever things go wrong. You're definitely the mod that put in the most work in keeping things in line.


(also, I have something to say about how you host the GPT, but I guess I'll say this later)




You, me, and doggie should take over YCM, meow. Glory to the animals!


I wish I knew you earlier, since that'll make me be less awkward around you. It just that...I am worried that my attitude would be incompatible to you for too much, or just scare/offend you accidentally. From what I've seen, I really wished that I did get to know you closer earlier, yeah, since you're a really cool person to have around.


will i get free shipping with my delivery


I ship you with bishie's tongue


Since I'm relatively new here, i don't know about you from back then, but from what I've seen of you now, you're pretty cool.







Anyway, mecha buddies! You're responsible for my return to Gundam as a whole after being detached from it for too long. I really respect you since you're just soo damn laid back and stuff, and our hours long gushing about mechas are always fun. Though, it's just that you hide your problems from others too much tbh. I mean, at times you're often making others quite disappointed about you don't give them the context until it's too late.



So, is this person going to say stuff about me?




Teach me EDH please sometimes in the future.


I wish I get half what you and others are talking about in the YCM call, but really, you're a cool, fun dude.




I guess that's all for now.


Sorry for not elaborating too much, I'm kinda bad at describing things.


Also damn, this made me realize that I don't really know most of you still.

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Oh hai me, you're pretty much one of the three reasons I stick around YCM and not leaving back then. You're just soo awesome to my eyes back then, and hey, you make good cards. Also, you're pretty much the reason why I'm doing RPs in the first place.


Basically in a way, I am pretty much following your entire footsteps right now, not entirely willingly, but yeah.




And now, you're the #2 reason for why I'm still here. You like Touhou, I like Touhou. You are indonesian, I am indonesian, Back then I actually looked up on you as basically a senpai for me. And heck, probably one of the reasons why I joined Clockwork Souls (and thus RPs) was because you were there too. It's basically a "please notice me senpai" kind of deal, but you're pretty much the most relatable member for me back then, and I'm really glad about it. Especially since you kept me around long enough to actually get into the community. And also I remember all your help for my first RP project back then, and also your plan for your own Touhou RP which I think is pretty much the thing that made me interested in RPs (sad that it never even get posted though).


Thank you for everything, really.


You two are really great, and the reason why I can be the current me in this site.

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You, me, and doggie should take over YCM, meow. Glory to the animals!


I wish I knew you earlier, since that'll make me be less awkward around you. It just that...I am worried that my attitude would be incompatible to you for too much, or just scare/offend you accidentally. From what I've seen, I really wished that I did get to know you closer earlier, yeah, since you're a really cool person to have around.


We're working on it! it just takes time ;-;


Aw... I wish I knew you better too really. We never really visited the same sections until Misc popped up, cause I could never hold my attention on an RP for long and it just felt like a better idea to not go into RP...


And even then, I have no real idea what other sections you're active in! ;-;


I dunno about the personalities thing... Scaring me is pretty easy yeah, but I don't think we've had any problems up 'til now... The only reason I left the group RP chat really is just because I start to feel anxious with so many people around. >>''

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