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i think i started this trend a few months ago...


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My jaw is ready for the uppercut that is incoming.

Took me a bit to realize you are Black.
When it comes to ygo, i respect your opinions over those of most others, bur hot dang, you can be an asshole. I mean, i know it is cover up insecurities and stuff, but in the end you end up feeling like people hate you and people end up hating you, neither of which is good. Also, i don't uppercut people unless they are sticking out their tongues.

bandwagoner, meow

You are the mod i know the best, i would say, and i wish i had more to say. We were female flying girls a year ago, that was fun. You will forever be Caeil in my head.

tryna be a hipster.

You are an asshole. Like, wow, it sucks, sometimes. However! You know your shit. Like, there are only a few YCMembers who I consider to be better than myself at magic, and you are one of them. Thanks for the help with BUG, I should have a new list out tomorrow for you to tear apart.

dont drop judgmentjudgment is an expensive antique

I don't really know you, yet you seem pretty freaking awesome. Praise based Cherry.
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You are an asshole. Like, wow, it sucks, sometimes. However! You know your shit. Like, there are only a few YCMembers who I consider to be better than myself at magic, and you are one of them. Thanks for the help with BUG, I should have a new list out tomorrow for you to tear apart.

My old name was Douchey Daemon, I don't think I'll ever out grow that name. 


You make me still feel relevant. <3 


Of course, I try to help out as best as I can. And if it works where you still work to become better, that is all I can do! 

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still more relevant than me

You change your sig too often. Like, pick something ffs.


Rod is ultra-good at magic, and is even bettervthan me at EDH, which I would say is an ultra-hard feat too accomplish. There is ultra-more i would say, but it is ultra-late and i am ultra-lazy.
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