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birdie will randomly pick people to post what she thinks about them


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The Winner was LZ!

Um... I don't even remember what LZ modded, let alone his personality. We never really talked, and I have a faint feeling that if we did, we didn't exactly get along...


Granted I might be thinking of something else entirely, my head plays mean tricks on me at night. :'D

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Knight Moocow is a friend, I like him a lot. He's good fun, and really easy to get along with pretty much all the time. :>


He's easily one of my favorite "new" members, considering how quickly he got himself established around here, PLUS HE'S AN ANIMAL BUDDY.


We always need more animal buddies here! :'D

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Andx would like to nominate himself for he is conceited like that.


Also Andx would like it to be known that he can in fact refer to himself in the third person as that may or may not have been in doubt at some point in a skype conversation. He can't exactly recall.

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