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What do I think of you?

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This is where I start forgetting how to brain...okay then here I go.


hit me. 


Joking, well. You seem to be a pretty decent member. From what I've seen fairly smart, though I do disagree with some of your opinions you never seem to force it on others. I really don't know you all that well but I think you're good, especially for a newer member. Keep it up.



This looks like such a better idea than asking the same for you in every AMA.

Thanks. XD Okay opinion. You are a very nice guy, I like you as a person quite a bit. You are a good guy, and you're really talented at making cool and/or fun things. It's really great. You're a good writer and have some really great ideas. You're far too negative about yourself, like seriously. You're a good person and have a bunch of talent but you seem to never be able to see that. Sometimes too angry/holds a grudge too long but I can relate and understand that. But overal, a very good person, one who I like to think of as a friend.



sure why not

Hmm. Very smart. I always like to see your opinions. You seem to know a lot and understand a lot. I find myself agreeing with you a lot, even in cases where I didn't at first. You're really kind. And really good at being a mod, in that you can be strict and lay down the law when you have to but can also be really sweet and silly. A wonderful choice. You're a great friend and I'm very glad we started talking. Another one of my more favorite people. Fun to talk to. Though sometimes too much so. *grumbles* Indonesian time *grumbles* But, the site is lucky to have you.



Now me.

More favorite people! You're quite the interesting one. Can be really blunt, but I think it's a good thing. You also are much more caring than I would've guessed from the start. You're really sweet at times, and also really hilarious at others. You've made me laugh quite often. You're good to talk with about serious things, and has helped me out quite a lot. I'm glad we became friends...Oh and you can be really cute sometimes even if you don't believe it. And very good at Smash. XD



sure why not


Ooooh interesting. *grins* You're still a total sweet-heart and you cannot convince me otherwise! A very good guy, smart and responsible and able to take charge when you have to. You're very passionate about the things you care about, in all the best ways. You can be an ass, but again "in all the best ways". Funnily enough, just like Nai who you quoted, this site is very lucky to have you.

We haven't interacted personally all that much but when we have you've been kind, helpful and intelligent....though there was that one time when I had just recently returned and thought you were a totally douche.....I feel like an idiot remembering that little argument. And I hope I didn't remind you about it but, oh well, things are different now. But for the most part, I've always thought you were a positive addition to this place.

Oh and you've got great style.

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what do you think about cowcow pls

He's a dumby. Waaay too down on himself, can't seem to accept that people actually like him. Such a negative guy sometimes, it's frustrating to deal with. But he can be fun I suppose, except when he's really angry and/or serious, then he can kinda be a dick.


Also if anyone else wants to know thoughts. Will have to wait, will still reply to some things but if I get bunch, later. Must write novel and eat.

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You hate me...

I know I said I wouldn't but I gotta reply to this.


What? No. What? I don't hate you. I think you're one of the better newer members. You can be over hyper and stuff at times but you're a good kid...I don't care if you're a kid or not imma call you a kid. Anyway, you're nice and friendly and has made some good points. I do not hate you.

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Do the birdie now, unless you already have pls


Birdie is a wonderful person. Silly, very silly, but awesomely silly. She's a fun person to talk to, as I've discovered more and more each day. And she's got a good head on her shoulders, she's smarter than she gives herself credit for.

In fact, she's everything better than she gives herself credit for. I've told her many a times she's great, one of these days she'll believe me. ^^

She's a very good friend of mine, and has helped make me feel accepted around here.

And it's fun when she called you adorbs. :3

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Oh the original thread to all of this. Should probably post in it and see what the cow thinks.

You're awesome. You're a very funny and kind person. I love how much you are into being a dog, it's pretty much an inspiration. Plus you're a really nice person who often has tried and succeeded in making me feel better. I consider you a very good friend. And I'd say more if I weren't so burned out.

Oh also, you're really creative and I think it's awesome what you're going to school for. ^^



^pretty much this

Hmmm. Well you're the best newer member in my opinion. You seem smart and capable of actually contributing quite a lot to this place. You're also really friendly and pretty easy to get along with. ^^ Um, again I should say more, but so much writing...plus I don't know you personally all that much.

Oh, you have a pretty good wife. That too.

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Birdie is a wonderful person. Silly, very silly, but awesomely silly. She's a fun person to talk to, as I've discovered more and more each day. And she's got a good head on her shoulders, she's smarter than she gives herself credit for.

In fact, she's everything better than she gives herself credit for. I've told her many a times she's great, one of these days she'll believe me. ^^

She's a very good friend of mine, and has helped make me feel accepted around here.

And it's fun when she called you adorbs. :3


this is all lies except the last part


everyone has fun when you call black adorbs :'D

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CowCow may or may not be ded right now.


What about me?

Well when you're not angry you're a very fun person. Angry Klav can be scawwy. Good to talk to, and can be really really sweet. I don't see you a whole lot on the forum, seeing as you seem to mostly do TCG stuff, so that's a bit tough to say. But, I do think of you as a friend. You've helped me when I've felt down from time to time and I appreciate it. ^^



me too!

Hmm. Well you're an interesting guy, Zai. You're not afraid to totally nerd out about things you like, and that's really cool. You're really laid back a lot of the time. Which sometimes is good, other times not so much. But I always enjoy talking to you...when I understand what's being said. You're a friend, for sure, and I'm glad you are. Cause I honestly didn't know you at all until somewhat recently. For the most part. But you're a good guy to have around, and you're pretty good with sharing your opinion but knowing when to not. Which is something many people can't do well.

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