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What do you believe in?


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I do believe in the fact that ALiens exisitbut not like with those crazy UFO's used in cartoons and Science-fiction film. Same reasons as staded in this topic.


God doesn't excist and IF he WOULD exisit it woudn't be like with those stupid books like the Bible. They aint written by God they are written by people who wanted power. And then they are edited by people who also wanted power. Do you know books like dictionarys? They keep on getting bigger and diffrent because of new words used and stuff. So after a while you can read on the first page: 23ste Edition. Thats what they should put on the bible!



This is not insulting ment to any people who do believe in God, Its just what I think (what I believe in)[/align]

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I do believe in the fact that ALiens exisitbut not like with those crazy UFO's used in cartoons and Science-fiction film. Same reasons as staded in this topic.


God doesn't excist and IF he WOULD exisit it woudn't be like with those stupid books like the Bible. They aint written by God they are written by people who wanted power. And then they are edited by people who also wanted power. Do you know books like dictionarys? They keep on getting bigger and diffrent because of new words used and stuff. So after a while you can read on the first page: 23ste Edition. Thats what they should put on the bible!



This is not insulting ment to any people who do believe in God' date=' Its just what I think (what I believe in)[/align']

apparently,you never heard of ancient astronaut therories.They say that deities may actually be aliens who were perceived by the primitive humans as gods. (not that I believe in it,only for your info)

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Heres what happened:

When Jesus was born he was actualy a siamese twin. These two twins were seperated at birth. Mary and Joseph never knew about the other twin. The FOUR wisemen took this twin away but 3 of them were killed on the journey home by the evil wiseman. This evil wiseman raised the twin as his own. As he had not been named he was only known as Jesusofchaos and whilst jesus was pure good, JoC was pure evil. He has been in hiding for 2000 years but his day will soon come to rule over all humanity.

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