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Dracoswag AUA [Ask U Anything]


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These AMA thread are getting out of control, so lets see if I can kick off a new Thread series. This isn't AMA, but rather I (The Thread poster) asks U guys a question, and in return you answer said question (How it works is I will ask a Random question and anyone is liable to reply to the Question I asked. The question is not directed to anyone in particular, and no one specific has to reply to the question. Then, once the question gets a reply, I post another question so someone else may answer it. Basically, you answer the question "as if" it was directed to you, but not really.) You do not have to answer all the questions I post, you may answer whatever question I ask that you fee like answering.


To start things off here is my first question:


What is your favorite thing to do over the weekends?

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What is your favorite thing to do over the weekends?


Browse the net, watch videos, play video games, and stay up drinking until I decide to sleep.


What is your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh archetype.


Was formally a big fan of Fiend-type, but that went away with my interest in the game.


If you were left on an island with no resources but was given the option to have 1 item from your home, what would it be?


My bow, probably. Will need it to hunt without the need to make something shitty and inefficient from the ground.

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