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[MtG] Arbor Colossus


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Mana cost is not that expensive.  Five mana on turn two or turn three is very, very easy in Modern for Green.  Not sure about Standard.


As for the card itself, I wouldn't personally run it (ever), instead opting for the infinitely better Craterhoof, but I guess it may have its uses in the side.  9/9 is NOTHING to scoff at.

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This is a beautifully costed, highly efficient creature in standard. The triple green in mana cost makes nykthos even better, and landing this turn 5 blocks and kills your opponent's turn 6 stormbreath dragon.

As for the card itself, I wouldn't personally run it (ever), instead opting for the infinitely better Craterhoof, but I guess it may have its uses in the side.  9/9 is NOTHING to scoff at.

Craterhoof behemoth is genuinely bad outside of combo decks, and does nothing for a midrange strategy unlike this, which, in my opinion, is only bested by the likes of Thragtusk.
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I know that Green is known as the Mana Ramp color, but that effect looks expensive to pull off.

without ramp its turn 5 for a 6/6, then turn 6 for a +3/+3 and flying destruction at instant speed. Always worth the cost, even if you never use the monstrosity ability.
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Guy swats flyers out of the air all day and completely brick walls tempo decks. He can come out on turn 3 in Green devotion decks too. Thankfully the people at my LGS haven't figured out how good this guy is so I can continue to bop them with my 5/5 thopter.

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