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[trm] Fallingg


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oi this is dope.


Between v1 and v2, though v2 would be significantly better if the the tilt effect was actually done well. Put more effort into shit, duping the layer and then setting it to screen at 50% opacity is lazy as fuck. To really pull off the effect you need to erase and apply depending on how you're trying to apply depth. For example, apply the effect on the bubbles/planet, but not the BG/Focal. Just mess around with it, it never hurts and helps you improve and learn more.


Text is ass though, remove that shit. 


Overall, I like it. But then again I just like green -> red g-mapping the fuck out of shit. 

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The 3D effects were entirely lazy and they were literally a last minute thing, I definitely could have used them better .


Glad you like it brosaffina. 


We should collab at some point btw (best bet is the next few days seeing as I have no PC so designing to past my timeeee) I could still pop on TS or something and we could do it like that.

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does this render scream space to everyone else too



Dig the colors though especially the green shadows to the rocks, I think a bit more contrast or sharpness would help though.



I like went on deviantart and typed in "graphic renders" BUT it is a spacey render I will say so.

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