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Relationships and All Things Related


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I have exactly one month's experience of being in a relationship from last February/March.

It was cool, though I broke up with her because our relationship was a lot of puppy love and while she is an incredibly nice and good person, I realized I didn't want to reach deeper levels of intimacy with her.


So what I learned from that is I want a relationship that's passionate, but can also be beyond that. I want to be treated as a good friend of her's and not have being her boyfriend at the front of everything, if that makes sense.

That also translates to me not liking when girls get too clingy.


(I would also like to be in one again, feels nice to be loved).

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[Spoiler=I sorta just opened myself up for this post, and a bit more poured out than I expected. Fair warning, this very well may utterly ruin your perception of me.]
Well, as you said in the OP, there is more than one kind of relationship. Friendship? I got that one covered. I am good at that. I am an extrovert by nature, meaning that I thrive through interaction with others. If there is somebody who I don't know, I am rarely if ever afraid to approach them and introduce myself. All of that is surface level. Surface level is something I am really good at.

It is when a deeper emotional connection begins to form that I begin to have issues. The thing is, with surface level relationships, fast friends and acquaintances, I have control over the situation. I know how to deal with whatever comes up because I know how they percieve me. At the core of it, I am just being manipulative, but those encounters will hardly make a difference for them or I so I don't really care. The thing is, when you get close to someone, you open up your very self, and hope that they will do the same. At that point, I don't have any tricks left; all my cards are on the table. Once it has reached that point, there is nothing I can do about it. As confident as I am in the beginning, I become even more terrified, grasping for shreds of evidence that I am doing something right, anything, and in the process exposing myself as the scared kid hiding behind a curtain of confidence. And the thing is, people don't like that scared kid. He isn't what they signed up for, he isn't what they were expecting.

So they leave.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I have never been able to hold onto a romantic relationship for more than 3 months.

Not even going into the sheer absurdity of recent events.

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Giga, I totally feel that. I'm currently in a relationship, and so far it's been 7 months. It's so weird and surreal because I've never really cared about anyone this much on a romantic level. It kinda sucks too, because it's an open relationship, and as much as I don't like that, I care too much about her well being too look at mine. A little pain here and there won't kill me haha. But anyways I've opened up to her on a ginormous level, and I can't explain to you how amazing it is to be with someone who is accepting of all the s*** I'm about. 

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It's hard for me to even think about being in a romantic relationship. Especially given past attempts. But I know if I ever do I'll probably be really invested in it. Though, my friends are also very important...basically I'm very much a giver in relationships. Sometimes too much so, but oh well, I like making people I like happy.

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I was in two relationships:


The first one was in first grade. I know her name was Tiffany, but I didn't know until my parents told me that she was apparently bossy. My only clear memory of her is holding her hand at the roller rink. She moved without saying goodbye, though, so there's that.


Second one was junior year of high school. Her name was Christine, but we all called her Krizzy. She was the first girl to have ever had an actual crush on me, and after feeling anxious and fluffy about it, I confessed via Facebook chat (which was the first mistake, because not only is that pathetic, but I was lying to myself.) We dated for about a month (and by dated, I mean holding hands, hugging occasionally, and visiting her house once. We didn't even kiss or go on any dates) before I realized the feeling was never truly mutual after getting a grip on myself. So I went and did possibly the biggest mistake of my life and broke up with her the same way I confessed (figure it out.)


Never even tried since.

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As an introvert, I tend to not talk to many people, but the few I am friends with are as close as family.


As far as romance, I'm the stereotypical dogged nice guy. I lack the confidence to actually confess to a girl in any way. A few months ago however, I met a girl online and for a while, I considered it to be the best thing to ever happen to me. I later found out it was actually a guy with a feminine voice, resulting in me losing a good chunk of the confidence I had gained and adding a nice helping of trust issues.

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Let me tell you the story of three.


There was this certain person, who loved one of their friend so very much since they were in middle school, but too scared and shy to say anything to that person for six years long. When that person finally gathered enough confessed several days before their graduation from high school, the one they loved ignored them, and the two proceeds to be separated as they went into college in two different cities. Still, that certain person foolishly kept their feeling to their friend, even if they didn't establish any contact with each other for years


Years later, the two met again, and the person once again tried to declare their love to their friend, but this time, unlike their expectation, their friend didn't ignore it unlike last time. The two then went on into a relationship with many ups and downs, but all went well enough until a third one appeared in their lives. It was weird, really. What resulted afterwards was an odd triangle where both the person and their friend loved the third one, though their friend loved the third one far more than the person. While sometimes the person was worried that their relationship could break up due to it, apparently it's still going strongly so the person decided to let their friend do what they want with the third one, even getting married to it.




And there, folks, that's the very rough retelling of the bizarre love triangle between me, my fiance, and our job.


what do you mean it's not an actual love triangle


Well, the actual thing was quite more...rocky than that, but eh, that'll probably be a story for another time.


Anyway, I was quite the extrovert when I was younger, but come high school and college, I became introverted, but I did still manage to get some friends here and there. At the moment, probably I'm just giving the best impression of an extrovert, though it's just that, an impression. The actual friends I have are really close to me, though.


In romantic relationships....I'm the bottomest of the bottom kind of submissive. Take of that what you will.

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Relationships and I don't tend to go over well, ever.


I rush things.  I fall so hard that I break myself and the shrapnel ends up damaging whoever I fell for at the time.  I am not a patient lover.  A relationship that lasts over a month with me is rare, because of how fast I fall out of love.


Lately, though, that's been changing, and I like to blame that on hormones.  I'm much more... how would I put it?  Clingy.  I love the feeling I get when someone is there for me every day, to listen to my bitching and moaning, to tell me it's okay, and to tell me that I'm worth every second of their time.  I may not seem like I take compliments well, but I appreciate the hell out of them.


Right now, I'm happily with someone.  <3  We're working things out.

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In elementary school, I was told I was ugly and other various crap about my looks, and told I would never be able to get married or find a person who likes me, so I might as well give up.

So I did.


Then middle and high school, I realized that there were people that didn't think I was ugly or unappealing and I entered a few relationships. One of which I thought at the time was "the one," but now I realize it was probably more me being in love with the idea of being in love. Long story short, they died, I rebounded on somebody else who ended up being a manipulative jerk, and various other stuff happened which made me realize that people tend to leave me. So now I don't want to let anybody close, because they'd most likely leave again.


I'm a closet romanticist, but I'm also a confused mess. Recently I dated someone but I ended up distancing myself because I felt they were losing interest. I broke up with them out of that insecurity and realized in the end I didn't want romance from them anyway, just platonic love.


Yeah. I don't really know how to function romantically anymore.

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Ideal relationship: Rapid, obvi.


I have had shit relationships in the past, and I have binged date more than I would like to admit, just in the past few months alone. College is really screwing up my dating creds since I don't want to commit to it at all when I am leaving from this state to Florida. Long distance relationships and I are like the devil and God. They don't work and will never work out. 

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Got a bit more to say. Much happier than last time.

[spoiler=This time, I am really freaking inspired. Like, my spiral power is off the fucking charts]
So, a few people know the reasons (not gonna go into them) but relationship-wise, (not just romantic, friendship as well) this last week has easily been the worst week of my life. I have been punched in the gut and kicked in the teeth. I slipped further into depression than I ever had. Now, here is the funny part. I am still hopeful. I don't get it. I mean, I have thoroughly proven that I simply cannot get in a relationship, or maintain one correctly, but even so, I, right now, am absolutely sure that things are going to work out. Like, I have no clue how exactly things are to improve for me, but I know that they are going to. It might just be the epic music playing in my headphones, but even though I get pushed down every time I am confident, I feel my confidence swelling again. I don't know what is coming, but I am ready for it.

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Considering I'm mostly introverted (you can blame a lot of the students at college + people overall in public places for that), I really don't have a lot of relationships.

Real life, maybe some close friends and family; that's it.


Online is a better situation, but like IRL, there are people I rather not bother with [mostly on other sites].




I mean, I had a crush on a girl in 3rd grade, but it never reciprocated. I was naive back then, I know; still have bad memories of it even now.


But then, there was another girl in middle school (or late elementary) that I liked; my relationship was much better. Although she moved to California at the end of 7th grade, so never really got the time to develop a closer relationship. But I didn't get butthurt over it.



Probably won't have time for a girlfriend, considering college work load, and the fact that I have specific requirements for them [particularly a girl that isn't pushy or wants me to buy expensive jewelry or stuff. Then again, I don't really talk to people except when I need to, or when I know them for a while.

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