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harpie lady


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so happy that they are coming out with a new harpie. i love my harpies so i just tweaked it i would love any and all constructive input 



2x birdface(should become harpie harpist)

1x blackwing-zephyors the elite(possibly changed out for harpie harpist)

3x harpie channaler

3x harpie dancer

2x harpie lady1(might switch to harpie lady 2)

1x cyber harpie lady

3x harpie queen

2x harpie's pet baby dragon(love it but who knows)

2x harpie's pet dragon


1x divine wind of the mist valley

1x elegant egotist

2x harpie lady phoenix formation

2x swallow's nest

3x harpies hunting ground

3x hystaric sign


3x hystaric party

2x fiendish chain (so wish shadow of eyes could go here)

2x icarus attack 

2x dimensional prison (if only mirror wall was free if you have a harpie)




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And changing bird face and one harpie lady pheniox formation to harpie harpist




<a href="http://s91.photobucket.com/user/hologramjunkie/media/harpieharpist.jpg.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k289/hologramjunkie/harpieharpist.jpg" border="0" alt="Harpie Harpist photo harpieharpist.jpg"/></a>

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I haven't given much thought to Harpist yet, but in regards to the rest, I've found Summoner Monk is pretty good. Helps you pitch Hysteric Signs for the search effect.


As for the extra deck, I don't think you necessarily have to double up on everything, Dracossack is a pretty good Rank 7, and there are a couple better Rank 4's out there better than Phantasmal Dragon imo.

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