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Oppressive Draining Bushi - Gadget City

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Monsters (11)


3 The Immortal Bushi

3 Warrior Lady of the Wasteland

3 Exiled Force

2 Amazoness Chain Master


Spells (16)


1 Smashing Ground

1 Fissure

3 Hammer Shot

3 Shrink

3 Card of Safe Return

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 The Warrior Returning Alive

1 Foolish Burial


Traps (14)


3 Dark Bribe

3 Solemn Judgment

3 Royal Oppression

3 Skill Drain

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute


= 41 cards.



Not sure how well this will work, but it combines Royal Oppression with Skill Drain, which is pretty awesome.

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To determine a Gadget deck's name, divide the number of Gadgets in the deck by the number of cards in the deck.


9 Gadgets with a total of 45 cards is 9/45 = 1/5 = 1/5th Gadget = Fifth Gadget

6 Gadgets with a total of 42 cards is 6/42 = 1/7 = 1/7th Gadget = Seventh Gadget

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