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Just made accont!


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Hey, welcome to the forum!


Make sure to read (and follow) the rules, and ask one of the moderators (or senior members) if you have any questions. Hope that first card of yours is cool =D


(Also, there's an Introduction section at the top of the forum page, so this thread should actually have been there. Not a big deal, a mod will move it soon.)

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Hey there and welcome. Hope you find your stay a good one. I personally don't do much with cards but there are plenty of people around that do, so good luck with that. :)


Also, try and be careful about grammar and spelling, the better you are with this the more people will pay positive attention.

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Welcome to YCM.


Before you post your card, please take the time to read the guides in the section; especially the one written by .Saber, one of our former Custom Cards moderators [backstory withheld due to relevancy] and Toyo, along with the OCG guide by Zaziuma. They'll help you create good cards that we can understand.


Also remember to read the section rules as well [and general YCM stuff], because there are some important things you do need to know.



If you need help, ask one of the moderators or a senior member.

For issues related to Custom Cards, ask either myself, Nai or Zextra.



Have fun.

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Welcome to the forum.  I'm Adora - probably the least fun member on the whole entire site! - and I'm happy to see that you've joined.  As pointed out in the posts above, please check out the rules. Not only does that help you in the long run, it helps save the entire forum from a spamfest, so I can't stress it enough, especially if you intend to visit some of the other sections.


Have fun.

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