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Necloths Cuz I like trishulas

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It's bad?
TGU as an engine is inferior to just running the Djinn itself and either drawing it or dumping it with Lavalval Chain. It also fill the ED with borderline useless R3s that don't benefit the deck much at all.

You should be running some number of Denko Sekka and/or Dance Princess. The latter's good with combos and searchable, the former is stronger against pretty much every deck that isn't the mirror match.

Gishki Chain is inferior to Senju of the Thousand Hands, because it's not guaranteed, and Senju can essentially search Ritual Spells because Clausolas.
Gungnir is a mediocre boss and an okay hand trap, and you shouldn't run more than 1.
Trishula is amazing, but you shouldn't run 3 because it can be dead and it doesn't add consistency.
Valkyrus is a 2+-of, and the fact you're not running it is appalling. It's a Negate Attack hand trap at worst, and a relative fuckton of thinning/potential plussing at best.

3-3 Mirrors isn't a good ratio, and I'd max on MST over the 6th mirror, tbh.

Um... Why are you running DARK HOLE but not running Riageki or maxing on RotA? 3 Rota is better than 3 Clausolas or 3 Shrit, as you can easily just run 2/3 or 3/2 or 2/2 with them, but RotA is more important.

And Dark Hole is inferior to Raigeki here. Completely.
Decree is strictly worse than Vanity's Emptiness in here, as the latter is the only trap the deck should be running.

If you're going to bother running Quasar, why are you running Leo and not SSD ._.
11 is not a level you'll need to make, as you shouldn't be running more than 1 Gungnir (Much less why would you not drop a herald for Unicore), and you won't be dropping Claus + Valk... ever. So Star Eater out.

ED shpould look something like (with Quasar since you seem to want it)

1 Quasar
0-1 Level 9
0-1 Level 8
0-1 Level 7 (not really worth it, same for 8/9, tbh)
1 Level 6
2 Herald of the Arc Light
0-1 Clausolas (saaame)

1 Outer God Nyarla (can reuse Herald of the Arc Light, extremely good and strong early)
1 Castel
1 Diamond Dire Wolf (lets you clear your board for searching/outplaying at times)
1 Lavalval Chain
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Number 52
Other generic R4s

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I've lost twice with this deck, both times to superheavy samurai. I haven't lost to anything  else with it. I love my build, also WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU SAYING TRISH CAN BE DEAD??? HELLLLLLLLL NO!


Thats even worse.



Salvage doesnt help.

Moray was never good and never will be.

You're running 2 Trade-In.. for 3 level 8s.. cards you want in your hand or on the field, and not the grave..

You're running Releaser with no way of searching it or getting it in the grave.


Yes, 3 Trish DOES clog. It is easily easily searchable through like more than half of your deck.

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I've lost twice with this deck, both times to superheavy samurai. I haven't lost to anything  else with it. I love my build, also WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU SAYING TRISH CAN BE DEAD??? HELLLLLLLLL NO!

ITT: Post trashy 45 card builds, use SUPERHEAVY SAMURAI as a serious reference, and don't explain choices

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Superheavy are actually pretty good, and the build isn't trashy. It's good.

I dont run manju or senju because I dont need them.

3 claus works super well for me, just my personal choice.

Salvage is actually really helpful at 1, it can pull claus+shrit, shrit+shrit, claus+claus, it helps.

Moray isn't very good, but  I got an aweful hand one time and I used Moray and I won the game because of the new cards I got off of it, at 1 it doesnt hurt anything.

I only use trade-in if I'm going for game that turn, or If I have shrit and cycle in hand.

I don't need  to  search releaser, I go through my deck fast enough anyways. Also it doesnt need to be in the grave to get it's effect.

3 trish does not clog, anti-target has helped me so many times.


And I have nothing else to say about my deck

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Been testing out the suggestions and I like...except for denko. I do see where she earns her merits but I feel like she works better for me as a side card? Maybe I just need to get used to playing her more often.

Won against:
Mirror Match
Hermits of Yokai
Junk Quasar
Dark World

Lost vs.
Mirror Match maining "shared ride"

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Yeah, Denko doesn't work so well in the mirror match. Best to side it out in the mirror match and put in the Shared Rides, or if you want, Foolish + Releaser (Releaser really does dominate the mirror match, but shit everywhere else, which is the exact opposite of denko)

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