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As controversy about his hair being a Kuriboh settles, ex-girlfriend brings new shocking information

Just Crouton

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"His pubes is a Watapon, and his armpit hair are Sangans" is what she said.


The photo she gave me was too NSFW for YCM...and I was too disgusted to look at it.


HFFAH (Hairy Fiends and Fairy-Types Against Humans) is expected to protest against his hair, pubes, and armpit hair, particularly his armpits due to the current ban of Sangans all over the world.



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... What the... I-i don't own sangans! None the less have them attached to my body! I don't have watapon pewbs and my hair is NOT A KURIBOH!

That's exactly what a guy with Sangans for armpit hair, Watapon pubes and Kuriboh hair would say.

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