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How To Be An Anime Protagonist For A Dumbs

Just Crouton

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Does not apply if your name is MD Geist, Riki-Oh, Crying Freeman, Bean Bandit, Grey, Spike Spiegal, Mugen, Shunsuke Sengoku, Makoto Ito, or anyone from the Gundam universe not-named Kira Yamato.


1.  You must be an eternally chaste block of wood that only exists to push the story forward

In anime, it's more important to be admirable than to be a person, for some reason. Everyone else gets to be cool, because anime.


Your job is to preach the eternal goodness of friendship, and to beat the lead villains.


2. You must resolve everything by asserting your courage, and your need to protect your loved ones

Who needs brains to overcome adversity? You're in an anime. Just power up!


You can never lose because you have friendship, except when a new villain appears, which in that case, you just need more friendship!


3. You must not have any moral conflicts that can't be resolved by referring to #2

After all, you only exist to push the story forward. Serious moral conflicts would make you interesting, and you can't have that! You're an anime for crying out loud!


4. You must have at least two flaws

One flaw is to advance major story scenes, the other is for the shoehorned (keyword) "comedic" scenes.


5. A female will fall in love with you, even if it comes out of left field, and you must ignore her feelings*

What? Some girls like wood. But, you don't have time for love, because romance would make you interesting. You have to push the story forward!


Until the epilogue when you can bang her all you want.


*(Possibly) ignore if you're in a romance anime.





And, now you have the basics to become an anime.


Remember your friendships, ignore your forced love interests, and grasp ZA HONOO NO COURAGE-SU!


After 100 episodes of recycled filler, beach episodes, and the hot springs episodes, of course.


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