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Sympho-KNEE [Symphonic Warrior Pnedulums]


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Decklist up later.


>Basses is amazing, and makes the deck capable of basically any range of synchros

>Drumms helps get out Beelze/us, DED, and Michael (The latter two being able to be gotten out normally as well)

>Piaano is there mainly as the only one able to be Pendulum'd.

>Sizerrs is seriously amazing. Being able to revive stuff, and copy Basses makes it feasible to get any level synchro out with just it and Basses. Plus, it's the best non-tuner target for Drumms, and the Flip effect synergizes to hell and back with Guitaars

>Flash Knight is a Level 4 pendulum with a high scale, so it works nicely with Foucault, and bringing out Non-Tuner material.

>Foucault is the best low scale pendulum. Plus, its a delayed MST, and can be brought out later as high level material; 2 of it and a basses is a star eater, 1 of it, Flash, and Basses is a Leoh/Beelzeus with drumms, etc.

>Odd-Eyes searches Guitaars. That makes him good

>Guitaars is amazing. Its a OPT Search for a SW, and can set up the grave with Sizerrs targets, Sizzers, or just put Drumms in there for it to do its work.

>Burial and DDR help recover banished resources, especially Sizerrs, since each SW banishes itself.

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Havent really drawn rescue too much, so I can't say on it; Flash, however hasn't been too hot. Might drop it to 1 or 2. The problem then is that it becomes ineligible for Hamster to summon it, which is really nice, but at the same time, its inconsistent. I dunno.

Foucault has definitely been great, though.

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Changed the decklist after testing. Hamster was totally dead each time I drew it, so I dropped it, and Flash Knight I put to 2. Upstyarts because I don't know anything else to put in. Swapped HTS for Horus.

The only issues I'm having are discarding a lot of cards due to Guitaar's effect, along with summoning, DDR, and such. I feel I need a way to get stuff back in my hand to help fuel those effects. Extra feels a bit lacking sometimes, but it's been okay so far. I probably don't need Beelzeus, but IDK anything better to put in.

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It might be a bit tough to work with at times, but if your are willing you could try throwing in a "And the Band Played On" to shut down your Opp's. Xyz plays.  So long as you aren't summoning with the same level (and you are using Basses to level edit anyway from what I can see), you can pretty much win against most decks with that one card.  Plus if it's in the way you run 3 MST, so there's that.  Just some food for thought.


Also, though it's not the focus of the Deck, you could run a few tech Amplifires.  The burn in nice but the banish effect is pretty strong before you go for a synchro, being able to remove big threats.


As for your discard problem, idk how to solve it.  One potential solution is to include cards that work well from the grave as Discard fodder.  For example you could squeeze in 1 or 2 Deskbot 001, and since you are Pendulum Summoning often you can get a free level 1 Tuner off the discard.  Another option is, and I have no idea if this exists, but if there is a WIND support card that works similar to Ruffian Railcar, you have perfect discard fodder right there.


Hope this helped in the slightest.

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It might be a bit tough to work with at times, but if your are willing you could try throwing in a "And the Band Played On" to shut down your Opp's. Xyz plays.  So long as you aren't summoning with the same level (and you are using Basses to level edit anyway from what I can see), you can pretty much win against most decks with that one card.  Plus if it's in the way you run 3 MST, so there's that.  Just some food for thought.


Also, though it's not the focus of the Deck, you could run a few tech Amplifires.  The burn in nice but the banish effect is pretty strong before you go for a synchro, being able to remove big threats.


As for your discard problem, idk how to solve it.  One potential solution is to include cards that work well from the grave as Discard fodder.  For example you could squeeze in 1 or 2 Deskbot 001, and since you are Pendulum Summoning often you can get a free level 1 Tuner off the discard.  Another option is, and I have no idea if this exists, but if there is a WIND support card that works similar to Ruffian Railcar, you have perfect discard fodder right there.


Hope this helped in the slightest.

That card would work best in the side, if anything. Not main.

And, Amplifires really don't look appealing. The max I have at one time is 3 or so, and while the damage might be nice, it's deck space I could use to put in better stuff.



Why are you running 3 Upstarts with 41 cards? .-.

Drop all three upstarts, add Summoner's Art.

Mirror Force is ok this format (not saying you're playing competitively though), but I'd think D Prison would be better VS pretty much anything.

...Because Deck thinning and attempting to fix the discard problem? Also not knowing what else to run????

Also, fuck, forgot Summoner's art. that would definitely help.

And, I'll swap them out, I guess.

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