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It's all ogre now [DDD]

CLG Klavier

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Drop Master of Blades, imo.
Try Bounzer or even Utopia Beyond (3k+ free damage is nice)

I'll tinker around, but yeah, usually I go for Dracossack or Big Eye anyways, and more rank 6 options will be nice.

Kaiser was adorbs but I never really got him to see play. I'd just drop him.

I'm still gonna give him a chance.

Why foolish Burial?

Night Howling/Lilith

Trap Covenant felt good at 2, imo.

I like it at 1 honestly, I can easily find it if needed.
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Allure is a dead card in this deck. It doesn't really help (And I've tested Allure thoroughly). All it does is turn a bad hand into a slightly better hand.


Also, DDDs is NOT one of the decks where you want to splash in 3 Vanitys. They have a special summon reliance, and it is not easy getting it off the field once it is there. Pendulums don't go the grave, so it won't self-destruct, and half of the rest of your deck is continuous spells/traps that won't help get rid of it either (Aside from Valkyrie).


Speaking of Valkyrie, you NEED 2 of it. Being able to search it out easy doesn't justify running it @1. It is your only reactive card in the deck.


Not going to say anything of Kaiser, because that is preference

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how do you get star eater?

Big Eye >=D

Allure is a dead card in this deck. It doesn't really help (And I've tested Allure thoroughly). All it does is turn a bad hand into a slightly better hand.


I was actually going to say this, not 100% on it though.


Also, DDDs is NOT one of the decks where you want to splash in 3 Vanitys. They have a special summon reliance, and it is not easy getting it off the field once it is there. Pendulums don't go the grave, so it won't self-destruct, and half of the rest of your deck is continuous spells/traps that won't help get rid of it either (Aside from Valkyrie).

​It's been working well for me so far.

​You establish presence with a extra deck monster and then play it. They have to get rid of one of them to proceed.


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Allure is a dead card in this deck. It doesn't really help (And I've tested Allure thoroughly). All it does is turn a bad hand into a slightly better hand.


Also, DDDs is NOT one of the decks where you want to splash in 3 Vanitys. They have a special summon reliance, and it is not easy getting it off the field once it is there. Pendulums don't go the grave, so it won't self-destruct, and half of the rest of your deck is continuous spells/traps that won't help get rid of it either (Aside from Valkyrie).


Speaking of Valkyrie, you NEED 2 of it. Being able to search it out easy doesn't justify running it @1. It is your only reactive card in the deck.


Not going to say anything of Kaiser, because that is preference

I heard that line for...virtually any deck. Allure fixed a few hands for me, but it is on the red list to be the first thing cut if it underperforms, along with Kaiser.


But that's exactly the thing - very little things go to grave in this, which allows me to STICK the Vanity for a longer while if I already summoned a big thing like Leonidas or Alexander. I might cut it down to 2 eventually, but for now it's good.


Funnily enough I didn't find myself using it much, but that may be because I underrate it. I know it's strong, but the deck's resources are very precious due to needing monsters to summon and Pendulum scales, but I'll give 2 copies a shot.



Yes, that's exactly what I waited for~

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3 vanity is totally fine in DDD. Threatening roar and MST both work well to get ride of it after activation. Speaking of which, this deck dies HARD to vanity's, and i feel 3 mst is needed to overcome this. My build runs fine with only 2 roar, so swapping the ratio between the two might be worth it.

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You don't run Abyss Ragnarok for the scale. It's a normal summonable/revivable +1 and banish that just rewards you for days for one copy, in the same vein as Lilith. It's another reason to run 2 Valkyrie, to ensure you can dump it early for +s. Just a one-of, though.

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