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K so it's actually possible to have achievements. I forget what size we should make them, but they should be like little badge things that line up side by side. To put them on the side like the Halloween and Easter Egg awards, you'd have to put them into one image, since what we can do is not get an achievement plugin but just use the basic functions to place an image on the side of your posts.


We need someone to design these badges (I'd think they should be square-shaped, if you've been on DNF you know what I mean), and we also need suggestions for the achievements themselves.

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Ones for posts, ones for threads, maybe rep,
Anmaybe for wining competitions like win 1 sig of the week or deck of the week or shit and then snother for 3 of those,
Obv deck of the week doesnt exsist but it could

Maybe havr like bronze, silver and gold ones too?
And there can be some specific mods who would update them when people post in the specific thread etc

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