Expelsword Posted February 18, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 18, 2015 Trying to write descriptions for Void Dream and Tierra disgusted me, these cards plainly should not exist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted February 18, 2015 Report Share Posted February 18, 2015 For simple testing purpose, YGOHack has released CORE cards revealed yesterday as a patch for YGOpro. Also, it's really more about Dream tbh. If Dream's not a FuFu, Tierra'll simply be a cute boss that's barely summonable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted February 18, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 18, 2015 For simple testing purpose, YGOHack has released CORE cards revealed yesterday as a patch for YGOpro. Also, it's really more about Dream tbh. If Dream's not a FuFu, Tierra'll simply be a cute boss that's barely summonable. The thing about it is that Void Dream is the ONLY way you're going to get Tierra to do anything besides staying in the Extra Deck. But at the same time, Dream obviously shouldn't be a card. It's everything Future Fusion was for Dragons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted February 18, 2015 Report Share Posted February 18, 2015 Note that I specifically refer to the FuFu part. Without that part, you can still fuse Tierra normally using your hand or field. That effect'll be meh, but the first effect will makes up for it. Also, comparing FuFu for Dragons to this is unfair. While dream's less guaranteed to mill 5, it's searchable, playable at 3 unlike FuFu when it's still around, it summons the monster immediately, and it has a powerful first effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted February 20, 2015 Report Share Posted February 20, 2015 Gotta say a few things after a shitton of testing. Note that this is against AI, but since I'm only discussing the merits of each cards, it won't be too much of a problem. Might proxy test against my friends later to get a more conclusive result. -Dekatron is our new god and savior. Hands down the best out of the three. It sets you up and generally makes things more consistent, answers almost anything aside from qlips, the insane flexibility it gives is perfect, etc. Might test Where Arf Thou since it's cute in concept in conjunction with Dream, but you won't dig it when you need it still. It also makes duality exponentially better. You can safely play it now without resorting to things like scarecrow or threatening roar to protect your ass since you don't have field presence, and the consistency boost it gives is quite significant. Especially if you're on Game 2 or 3 and need to get your floodgate asap. Also, it gives us easy access to black rose, yazi, clear wing, felgrand, and freaking Gustav Max. It's really freaking good. -Dream is overrated. It's by all means a broken card, but you really won't resolve that last effect that much, and to capitalize on it, you need to either have 2 so you can actually have a followup after a tierra drop, or you would need to spam before you drop tierra. I'm using 2 atm, which worked well enough for now. They can actually brick if you can't resolve the Shaddoll Fusion effect. It's still good, but it's not the one thing that'll bring the apocalypse to the meta. -I kinda wished Tierra have a field control effect of sort. Most of her other effects are great, but due to her being a level 11, it's hard for you to actually capitalize on the grave setup she provides once she's summoned unless you wait for her to die or have a second copy of dream in hand. Still, she's a good boss for the deck. Basically, Dekatron's boost in consistency and options and filling many of the deck's weak spot is really appreciated, and I believe it would be the biggest factor of the deck's relevancy post CORE. Dream mill 5 into Tierra is a scary strong play, but it won't happen -that- much. Also, on other cards... -While I really hate the card, I gotta admit Reasoning's still needed. The key is, you don't rely on it now. Not opening reasoning would still allow you to play the game. While everyone and their mother will call 1 now, the mill will still be really needed, and you actually can capitalize on the gigantic mill. Assuming you play only 3 Dekatron as its target, if you go second, you'll on an average will mill 11 cards using it, and assuming you run 20 monsters, you'll on average will mill 5-6 from it, which is huge. And if you open with a dekatron in hand, the chance got even better. Another thing is how it can dig for monster-based floodgates like Rai-oh, or cute things like Ha Des. Monster Gate sucks since it only makes good or decent hand better, but it makes bad hands ridiculously worse. I'd still side the thing out in matchups that doesn't require me to side Rai-oh in. -I still really like Launch here. Still debating on whether I should run 1 or 2 due to its searchability, but as long as it resolves even once, you're good to go. Keeping 2 alive at once is crazy. If you don't side out Reasoning, side launch out. -Rising Void is nuts, but I think you only want 1. It+Launch means you can search for any of the low level noids, which means dekatron, and adding it to the hand pretty much makes it really really good. I think, you can actually tribute dekatron that copies a noid's effect during the standby phase to banish something, then immediately use Rising to add it back to the hand. Recycling a banished noid is a cute bonus effect in retrospect. But yeah, recycling Dekatron's too good. -I want to max Void Seer so bad. Card's godly against everything. But spaace. -Frozen Void's second effect proves to be more useful than I thought. It...answers everything that a normal summoned Dekatron cannot. First effect is obviously good. -I've said my thing about Duality in Dekatron's point above. -I really really wish both Dolls and BA would be dead when CORE hits. I mean, I love dolls and all, but they make running Hand Destruction a pain in the ass. It's really good in the deck tbh. It digs deep into the deck, and puts the higher leveled stuff into the graveyard. Someone suggested Advance Draw, but it'll be dead way too often. -Threatening Roar is an option to combat OTK-heavy decks. Your field presence early game is barely existent, and the first two turns of your opponent is the most alarming time for you. Especially against qlip, since if they get a field of Saqlifice+a qlip+Tool, chances are you'll be dead or barely alive comes your second turn. You either need to pull off either a MST/Cyclone and Seitsemas opening, or make sure you can survive the push attempt. I used Scarecrow in the past pre CROS just so I can play reasoning in Pure Noids without shooting myself on my foot too much, but atm, since you have dekatron, just run Roar. Even if they used Stealth at it, it means they're not dropping Disk on you which means you're probably not getting OTK'd. Using it at my side atm, but it's a really fine option to survive that slow early game. I guess that's it for now? yeah, probably that's it for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted February 20, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 20, 2015 Heeey. Actual, real thoughts on the deck. I must be dreaming. Thank you for your contribution. -Dream is overrated. It's by all means a broken card, but you really won't resolve that last effect that much, and to capitalize on it, you need to either have 2 so you can actually have a followup after a tierra drop, or you would need to spam before you drop tierra. I'm using 2 atm, which worked well enough for now. They can actually brick if you can't resolve the Shaddoll Fusion effect. It's still good, but it's not the one thing that'll bring the apocalypse to the meta. -I kinda wished Tierra have a field control effect of sort. Most of her other effects are great, but due to her being a level 11, it's hard for you to actually capitalize on the grave setup she provides once she's summoned unless you wait for her to die or have a second copy of dream in hand. Still, she's a good boss for the deck. -I still really like Launch here. Still debating on whether I should run 1 or 2 due to its searchability, but as long as it resolves even once, you're good to go. Keeping 2 alive at once is crazy. If you don't side out Reasoning, side launch out. -Rising Void is nuts, but I think you only want 1. It+Launch means you can search for any of the low level noids, which means dekatron, and adding it to the hand pretty much makes it really really good. I think, you can actually tribute dekatron that copies a noid's effect during the standby phase to banish something, then immediately use Rising to add it back to the hand. Recycling a banished noid is a cute bonus effect in retrospect. But yeah, recycling Dekatron's too good. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Dream and Tierra: The thing about Dream is that I feel you should be able to get it off a lot. Qliphoths and Necloths probably won't be spamming out of their Extra on turn 1, but doesn't everyone else? Even if you can't though, turning your Infernoids to Level 1 makes spamming and setting up crazy defenses pretty simple, so it's definitely worth the slots. Tierra is actually really easy to get rid of, (at least, it looks like it would be) just summon Belphagor, Vael, or Adramelech first and then tribute her away. You don't actually have to "spam" stuff out first, especially since she will, on summon, refund you the two you had to remove to get them out. On Reasoning and Void Launch: I dunno, to use both seems pretty excessive, especially if you're ALSO trying to play Freezing Void. Where are you finding space? You've gotta have some contingency plans for if you don't go first, right (Book of Moon, Raigeki, etc)? I thought Void Launch would still be considered slow, if not even moreso since Decatron has made Reasoning an even bigger miller. As for Rising Void, you could search that out too, but with the deck's newfound speed, I'm not sure if recovering one would make too much difference, but I dunno, maybe I really am putting too much stock in Void Dream. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted February 20, 2015 Report Share Posted February 20, 2015 You're putting too much emphasis on Dream. Tierra is easy to get rid of -if- you already have something out before you summon her, which, while ideal, is not something that really would happen all the time. Dream is amazing but it's not the answer to all of our problems. If you can get it off, you're good to go, but if you can't, running it at 3 will clog. Since I'm testing mainly against Qlip and Nek (which is the relevant decks these days maybe not in the future when CORE's released, but yeah. Will do testing with post SECE BA, post CROS tellar and zings, and maybe dolls later when I proxy), it's not something that you should rely upon all the time. I still run BoM, Snatch, and Raigeki, of course. Launch is currently being run at 1 since it's strictly a early-mid card. Thing is, reasoning is not searchable, and dream is not exactly effective against everything. I need a searchable way to setup, and Launch is ideal for it. Rising meanwhile, it's a mid-late card that once again, can be run @1. You may be right that we're too fast to abuse it late game, but even early game, you'lll appreciate the dekatron recycling. The fact that it allows us to grind when we're forced to without losing steam is really damn nice. And yeah, once again I have to mention that dream is not something you need to rely on. It's almost a game winner if it goes off, but banking on it too much is pretty much the new Reasoning or Die mindset. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted February 20, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 20, 2015 This is the build I thought I would go with if CORE ever made it to DevPro, but if Dream isn't as good as you say, maybe it needs re-evaluating. http://puu.sh/g0WR6/1b8db68467.jpgInfernal Flame Emperor = Lilith Laboradite Dragon = Belphagor Thousand Eyes Idol = Shaitan Shadow Specter = Decatron Shifting Shadows = Void Dream Dicephoon = Galaxy Cyclone Armityle = Tierra Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Progenitor Posted February 20, 2015 Report Share Posted February 20, 2015 I kinda agree with nai. When Frozen Void didn't exist, there was really no merit to running most of the continuous Void stuff, cuz it was really slow when you had much better options (examples include reasoning over launch, fossil dig over Rising, etc). But now that we have Decatron, I feel like pure Infernoids are suddenly possible. Plus the aforementioned Frozen Void searches anything you may need, you wouldn't have to run too many copies of them (I would run 2 launch probably in case of MST, and probably 1 Rising void). Basically the TL:DR version is that with this new support running a more pure Infernoid build becomes almost just as optimal as other builds, and since you can search the continuous stuff with Frozen Void, there is more merit to running 1 or 2 copies of some of the lesser used stuff in the place of the things you took out for the pure build. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted February 21, 2015 Report Share Posted February 21, 2015 By the way, a suggestion. What is you guys' opinion on Hidden Armory? We barely use our NS anyway, it's another out to Djinn Lock, and the mill 1 could be cute. I used it back before the CORE 'noid supports are revealed, though haven't played around with it much with the current deck, but it still sounds like a nice option. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted February 21, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2015 By the way, a suggestion. What is you guys' opinion on Hidden Armory? We barely use our NS anyway, it's another out to Djinn Lock, and the mill 1 could be cute. I used it back before the CORE 'noid supports are revealed, though haven't played around with it much with the current deck, but it still sounds like a nice option. I've been using 3, but after CORE I don't think we'll have space. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pchi Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 I've been testing an Infernoid build based on NN's, and I found Jar of Avarice to be somewhat superfluous. Unless you drop a Reasoning right off the bat, and are lucky enough not to lose all your Jars with that play, you'll struggle to get the minimum amount of cards in your Grave needed to activate it, since ideally you'd prefer to keep your 'Noids on the Grave, and when you finally reach that number, you'll probably have already met your win condition. Maybe that's just me; other builds might fare better on the Jar department. Speaking of which, I'm sure there are lot of other possibilities for Infernoids other than the pure build; a Monarch variant has already been cited multiple times in this very forum, but you can also go with a Synchro or Xyz-oriented build; Void Expansion is a key card in most of them, since it's easily searchable and helps a lot of themes besides its own with its permanent Token spam - Hell, you could even make a stupid Mecha Phantom Beast variant with that! It helps that Harriliard can easily compensate the advantage loss with the 'Noids tribute effects. How about including some of those ideas on the OP? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pchi Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 I've been using 3, but after CORE I don't think we'll have space. Besides Snatch Steal, which other Equip cards would you recommend? The only that comes into mind right now is D.D.R., to use on a banished Dekatron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted March 9, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 9, 2015 There is a guy on Pojo (believe it or not) who proposed a build using Tour Guide with Fiendish Rhino Warrior as the main engine. He still plays Reasoning, but it doesn't seem very effective overall. I'm testing it out, and it seems like a decent idea, but it does need some fine tuning. I'd probably remove Reasoning and put Void Dream in, since it actually does a lot more here, but doesn't interfere with anything, which makes it look like this. Pero Pero Cerberus is really interesting, but I AM concerned with the lack of Skill Prisoner, Book of Moon and the like. Thoughts? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted March 9, 2015 Report Share Posted March 9, 2015 Felt like way too many monsters tbh. The TGU engine you have there is way too huge especially since you don't exactly blindly mill-spam here. I'd just go with 3 TGU 2 Fiendish Rhino and -maybe- 1 Scarm, and just put the rest of the slot in things like Snatch/Raigeki/Eclipse/Moon/etc. But, the idea of using Fiendish Rhino's quite cute, yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted March 22, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 DevPro FINALLY has all the CORE stuff. Since TGU is now limited, it's safe to say that version of the deck is RIP. I'll have to update this for the new list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Progenitor Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Don't get your hopes up. I haven't tried the Infernoids on dev, but a lot of the stuff is not coded right Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted March 22, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 I already submitted error reports for Dekatron and Void Dream. But yes, just about every new card has an issue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted March 31, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 31, 2015 Changed a lot of card descriptions around, although the general sentiment is mostly the same. RIP Blaster and Tour Guide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted May 1, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 1, 2015 ~Shaitan, Belphagor, and Lilith have been given TCG names~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted May 2, 2015 Report Share Posted May 2, 2015 Btw, Frozen Void is now Void Vanishment, and Rising Void is now Void Purification. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted May 2, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 2, 2015 Noted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CLG Klavier Posted May 9, 2015 Report Share Posted May 9, 2015 Scrap Archfiend/Gaia Knight for the extra deck? I feel they warrant some attention since those are Synchros that DO get levels off the field since Infernoids only care for effect monsters. Same for Gem-Knight Pearl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wildflame Posted May 9, 2015 Report Share Posted May 9, 2015 Perfect. Didn't find anything questionable, except maybe the importance given to Void Dream. One for One might also warrant a mention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expelsword Posted May 10, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 10, 2015 This is definitely written from a TCG list perspective (even though it discusses OCG cards). I must say once we're given more Monster Gate (which will happen... right?), bringing Void Dream down some is probably the first thing to do. I should definitely mention One for One, and actually I meant to, I just forgot it, but I feel like it's another one that might get cut if Monster Gate is let loose. Also, I feel that if we get more, we won't necessarily need to keep using non-archetype millers, which would make Void Launch playable as a backup, especially if people continue to eschew MST. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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