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ITT: Doggy reveals himself. (Also you can ask things)


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It is time for the shocking truth. Perhaps you yourself have wondered, what does Andx actually look like? Perhaps you have not.


Either way it's about to happen. BEHOLD.


[spoiler=Da pic]




Yeah... bet you weren't ready for that.


Anyway you can also ask stuff if you care to. Idk, just finding ways to entertain myself.

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Bordier Collie is the breed you're looking for.


Anyway as for continuing Dog & Scissors it's hard to say. I can't really praise or defend anything about the anime too much since it doesn't do a lot well. I found it fun/cute/entertaining and sometimes even just a little too silly. Overall I had fun with it though. So depending on how much you watched and your initial impressions you could give it another go if you're up for some mostly mindless fun. I enjoyed how it seemed to almost be mocking common anime tropes and shonen fighting and other such things. So yeah idk for sure.

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Bordier Collie is the breed you're looking for.


Anyway as for continuing Dog & Scissors it's hard to say. I can't really praise or defend anything about the anime too much since it doesn't do a lot well. I found it fun/cute/entertaining and sometimes even just a little too silly. Overall I had fun with it though. So depending on how much you watched and your initial impressions you could give it another go if you're up for some mostly mindless fun. I enjoyed how it seemed to almost be mocking common anime tropes and shonen fighting and other such things. So yeah idk for sure.

If I gave up less than 2 minutes in…yeah, probably not happening. 

The concept was cute though, I'll give it that ='D

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What are your YCM ships?


Oh dear. Giga asking the hard questions. I've only recently gotten social with even a small number of members so what to even say. Could always say ClairxFusion will always be a thing but few people would even remember that. What else... Oh, ideas.


-GigaxCowcow: There's totally something there and I know both of you know it even though you'll never admit it.

-AixxHimself: Dude's pretty into himself and hasn't accepted Toyo's love so clearly he must have a thing for himself.


I'll have to think more on this as it's not something I usually do. If I think of any more I might maybe say.


Also will you accept Zeon as the one true religion?


Alas I cannot, for I have a religion that I believe to be true already.

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