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The Command Tower (EDH Hangout)

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  On 10/13/2016 at 2:15 AM, ASI Samaritan said:

I've fallen so in love with my Kurkesh deck, I've begun the process of foiling. So far, just the Kaladesh cards are foil, as well as Invention Rings of Brighthearth and Sculpting Steel. I'll probably try to get only pack foils, unless there happens to be a lot of stamped versions available, and ideally latest printings only. I just wish Daretti and Unstable Obelisk had foils.

What's your list look like again? Curious as to your progress.

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So, with all the legends for C16 shown any commanders you want to build around?


Personally, my favorite is Reyhan. She just seems like a super sweet commander to build around. Sadly, I already have a BG list planned and while I can scrap Gritog for her I can still use her in other pairings and I'm not sure if I'll even like the list as much as what I have for Gritog.


Speaking of pairing I'm a little let down how little synergy a lot of the partners have. Ikra, Ravos, Ludevic, Kraum, Thrasios, Kydele, and Vial Smasher all seem like they don't add anything to any partnership they can be in. Don't get me wrong, a lot of them seem fine as cards for the 99, but for various reasons I don't think I'd want any in my command zone. I think the rest are saved by Reyhan, Bruse, and Sidar since they seem like they'd make really good partners. The first two make commander damage kills easier and Sidar lets the ones that want to attack in better at doing it since they are small.


For the actual 4 color ones Atraxa is my favorite. She might die a bunch, but she always makes an impact and proliferate is just such a powerful build around ability.

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I don't have plans on building any of the new commanders right now, but that's less due to not liking any of them than merely having two decks I still need to finish (Rashmi and Gonti). I do have a few considerations, though. Kynaios and Tiro could be fun - they're the type of group hug commander I'd love to build, in that they don't favor just one opponent that you choose, but everyone equally. And if I do get tired of Rashmi at some point, Yidris is always a replacement, although my biggest hesitation is that he doesn't let you play countermagic and is more vulnerable to disruption.


As for reprints, Wizards really did a good job. There are a number of $5+ inclusions and a few $10+ (looking at you, Kalonian Hydra), all of which desperately needed new printings. Additions for my decks:



  • Arcane Denial (reprint and much-needed)
  • Beast Within (reprint, but the only one I have is foil)
  • Benefactor's Draught
  • Scavenging Ooze (reprint)
  • Magus of the Will
  • Terminate (need two for Mardu Puzzleknots in pauper)
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in terms of older decks:


entrapment maneuver in teysa


maybe stonehoof chieftain in wort. definitely treacherous terrain and benefactor's draught though. copying those will be niiiiice


poor sek'kuar gets nothing. i was hoping one of the partners would be good for him but alas


kraj gets crystalline crawler and deepglow skate--because holy moly those cards are stupid


i wanna play cruel entertainment somewhere, somehow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I decided to draw up a mono-black Sidisi zombie deck. After I finished I found it funny how almost all of the deck used cards from the Gisa breakdown over on EDHREC (thats a great resource btw) and decided to do a thought experiment to see what the deck would be like with her leading things. My conclusion, a lot of the cards currently in the deck are a lot stronger and I could cut some of the weaker cards and cards that nombo with her for the support. While I should just go and make the switch to having her lead it, I worry she is just too easy too kill and unless I have Greaves or Swiftfoot (the main support she needs) she might be lacking. So, any advice?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/23/2016 at 2:01 AM, Flame Dragon said:

Atraxa is my personal favorite. Just be an a****** and use a bunch of infect creatures.

Same. I have a theory deck for Atraxa that I'm gonna build through Christmas money and my dad. 




edit: made an infect version:


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  On 11/23/2016 at 2:19 AM, Forest Fire said:

Same. I have a theory deck for Atraxa that I'm gonna build through Christmas money and my dad. 




edit: made an infect version:


Bit late, but... 50 lands in that first list? What the hell? Cut ~12-13 of those, you don't need that many.

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atraxa and breya are crazy out of box, and so are yidris, the kings, and saskia. basically wizzers knocked it out of the park this year



i built tana and ravos, with only RG and BW mutlicolor cards. it works surprisingly well and few things feel better than smashing an opponent and making fifty tokens from it

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