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The Command Tower (EDH Hangout)

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  On 6/25/2017 at 4:41 PM, Poc said:

I've wanted to use intruder alarm in my decks for a while now. There's just too many krenko players at my store so it's kind of a liability unless you can win with it right away.

Intruder Alarm is a stupid magic card. I did get to see the double edged nature though since one of my opponents was playing Kydele and wow was he able to make a lot of mana.

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  On 6/25/2017 at 10:00 PM, Flame Dragon said:

Intruder Alarm is a stupid magic card. I did get to see the double edged nature though since one of my opponents was playing Kydele and wow was he able to make a lot of mana.

I played it in Roon back in the day to great effect before my store began its nuclear arms race for more powerful and degenerate strategies. It's definitely one of my favorite combo engines in all of magic.

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So, the full spoiler is up. Figured out all the cards I'm considering for my many lists. All of these might not make it (looking it over I can already spot a few times I was being too generous), but I figured I should at least look things over to see if I should add them.


Karador: Hour of Revelation, Razaketh, the Foulblooded, Ramunap Excavator, Uncage the Menagerie


Animar: Nimble Obstructionist, Neheb, the Eternal, The Locust God, Scavenger Grounds


Sedris: Razaketh, the Foulblooded, Neheb, the Eternal, Wildfire Eternal, The Locust God, Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh, The Scarab God, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Endless Sands


Rith: Neheb, the Eternal, Uncage the Menagerie, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Mirage Mirror, Scavenger Grounds


Sharuum: Angel of Condemnation, Hour of Revelation, Razaketh, the Foulblooded, The Scarab God, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Mirage Mirror


Freyalise: Uncage the Menagerie, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Mirage Mirror, Desert of the Indomitable, Scavenger Grounds


Hanna: Overwhelming Splendor, Solemnity, Mirage Mirror, Scavenger Grounds


Grenzo: Razaketh, the Foulblooded, Neheb, the Eternal, Sunset Pyramid, Ifnir Deadlands, Scavenger Grounds


Iroas: Neheb, the Eternal, Scavenger Grounds


Sliver Overlord: Uncage the Menagerie, Scavenger Grounds


Ezuri: Uncage the Menagerie, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Scavenger Grounds


Gitrog: Razaketh, the Foulblooded, Hour of Promise, Ramunap Excavator, Uncage the Menagerie, Driven//Despair, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Ifnir Deadlands


Kozilek: God-Pharaoh's Gift, Endless Sands, Scavenger Grounds


Kemba: Desert of the True, Scavenger Grounds, Shefet Dunes


Sidisi: Accursed Horde, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Desert of the Glorified, Ifnir Deadlands, Scavenger Grounds


Phenax: The Scarab God, Scavenger Grounds


Atraxa: Uncage the Menagerie, God-Pharaoh's Gift, Ifnir Deadlands, Scavenger Grounds


Sigarda: Uncage the Menagerie, Hashep Oasis, Scavenger Grounds


Wort: Wildfire Eternal, Scavenger Grounds


Talrand: Countervailing Winds, Supreme Will, Scavenger Grounds


Some notes.


I'm considering Scavenger Grounds in 16 of the decks (the ones that don't have MAJOR graveyard components). I think having a colorless land is minimal enough of a drawback that just shutting down certain decks is worth it. I don't think ALL 16 are going to add it since all my decks make use of the graveyard to some level, but I think just having the option if it comes up is worth it.


I think I considered God-Pharaoh's Gift and Mirage Mirror for most of my decks since both are super open ended and can do at least decent work in most decks. I actually did check for those since its pretty obvious when they'll be good so they don't show up nearly as much as I thought about them, but they both have a ton of commander application are are worth keeping in mind.


Uncage the Menagerie is the biggest colored winner. Green has tons of utility creatures around 2 and 3 which is where this shines. Only reason Animar isn't playing it is because I'm playing an all permeant build. Again, might not make it in all the lists, but it's a card that should be considered for most green deck.


I was surprised I found a use for the uncommon desert cycle. Ifnir Deadlands is a removal spell that has great synergy with Atraxa and Gitrog, Sigarda really likes the free pump from the Hashep Oasis, and Shefet Dunes even makes sense in Kemba because of how wide she goes on top of being a colorless source for Kozilek.


Hour of Revelation wasn't nearly as much of a standout as I though it would be. It makes sense since most of my white decks would rather a normal wrath in that slot. Rith doesn't want to lose its anthems or token generators, Hanna is an enchantment wall, Iroas needs devotion, Kemba obvious uses equipment, Atraxa is superfriends, and Sigarda is auras. Card is still likely an insane commander card, but white decks can often find themselves in an archetype where that type of board clear hurts them WAY too much.


Last standout was Neheb. If you're even a little aggressive or want extra mana even a little he looks like he can do some nice work for you.

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  On 7/4/2017 at 2:51 PM, Flame Dragon said:

God-Pharaoh's Gift

If you're playing Gift without Gate to the Afterlife in the same deck, you're a blasphemer. xD


Anyways, glad you posted this review, because I wasn't able to get to my computer recently. Here's what I'm adding to Saskia and Ephara with HOU's release.


Saskia the Unyielding:

  • Abrade - good Sunforger target with both modes being relevant
  • Neheb the Eternal - great way of generating tons of mana and an aggresive body on top of that
  • Driven // Despair - aftermath is such a solid mechanic, and this has utility at almost any point in the game
  • Aggravated Assault - not from HOU, but it goes infinite with Neheb and would be a solid addition otherwise
  • Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper - also not from HOU, but she can serve as an alternate commander partnered with Bruse Tarl
Ephara, God of the Polis:
  • Angel of Condemnation - sure, activation is pricy and he needs to tap, but he can serve as an O-Ring with a relevant body
  • Nimble Obstructionist - Voidmage Husher exists, but 3/1 flier is more relevant and the cantrip via cycling is important
  • Supreme Will - Mana Leak and Impulse are both solid cards, and getting the choice means you'll always have something to do
There's also a bunch of cards I just want to pick up to "have on hand:"
  • Hour of Revelation
  • Solemnity
  • Razaketh, the Foulblooded
  • Hour of Devastation
  • Hour of Promise
  • Ramunap Excavator
  • Mirage Mirror
  • Scavenger Grounds
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Looking at this set, it may be the best EDH set since Khans of Tarkir. I'm adding a lot of crazy stuff:


Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim: 

Crested Sunmare- Indestructible 5/5s that replace themselves every time I sac them to gain 5 life? Uuuuh, YES?

Hour of Revelation- Giant boardwipe for 3. Is nice.


Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons:

Ammit Eternal- Gains buttloads of counters, and can reset pretty easily. Comes down the turn after Hapatra too. Wonderful.

Obelisk Spider- An additional infinite combo piece that has more utility than Zulaport Cutthroat and Blood Artist.


Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge:

Wildfire Eternal- Not sure if this will reliably be able to trigger, but an additional Jeleva that can draw from my hand seems pretty good to me.

Swarm Intelligence- Lulzy rare to go hand in hand with all the giant spells I play. This is gonna get insane.


Arjun, the Shifting Flame:

The Locust God- Because duh. Building this as its own separate deck as well.


Anax and Cymede:

Hour of Revalation- Boardwipe for 3 mana almost all the time. Insanity.


And I'm building The Scarab and Locust Gods, as well as Neheb, and I'm incredibly excited.

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  On 7/7/2017 at 11:23 PM, ~Faytl~ said:

Looking at this set, it may be the best EDH set since Khans of Tarkir. I'm adding a lot of crazy stuff:


Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim: 

Crested Sunmare- Indestructible 5/5s that replace themselves every time I sac them to gain 5 life? Uuuuh, YES?

Hour of Revelation- Giant boardwipe for 3. Is nice.


Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons:

Ammit Eternal- Gains buttloads of counters, and can reset pretty easily. Comes down the turn after Hapatra too. Wonderful.

Obelisk Spider- An additional infinite combo piece that has more utility than Zulaport Cutthroat and Blood Artist.


Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge:

Wildfire Eternal- Not sure if this will reliably be able to trigger, but an additional Jeleva that can draw from my hand seems pretty good to me.

Swarm Intelligence- Lulzy rare to go hand in hand with all the giant spells I play. This is gonna get insane.


Arjun, the Shifting Flame:

The Locust God- Because duh. Building this as its own separate deck as well.


Anax and Cymede:

Hour of Revalation- Boardwipe for 3 mana almost all the time. Insanity.


And I'm building The Scarab and Locust Gods, as well as Neheb, and I'm incredibly excited.

Surprsed you aren't planning to run Neheb in any of your decks. Dude is insane at enabling expensive cards and a great reward for being aggressive. Jeleva and Anax and Cymede seem to fit one of those so he should be good in those decks.

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OK, I'll jump on the bandwagon.


Cromat (Superfriends):

Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh

Nicol Bolas, the Deciever

Samut the Tested

possibly Djeru, with Eyes Open


Sphinx Tribal (Formerly headed by Isperia the Inscrutable):

Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign (Commander)


Ominous Sphinx

Full Art Foil Devastation Lands (Eventually)


Temet, Vizier of Naktamun:

Most Blue or White Eternal-related cards

God-Pharaoh's Gift

Hour of Revelation


I'm also considering a Standard Desert deck, though it would be mostly for playing with friends (though not necessarily a casual level deck).

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K, so some of my decks shuffled around since my last post, so here's my final update as to which cards from Amonkhet block overall made it into my various decks:


Amonkhet - 7

  • Saskia: Cascading Cataracts, Insult // Injury, Samut, Voice of Dissent
  • Ephara: Angel of Sanctions, Approach of the Second Sun, Irrigated Farmland, Vizier of Many Faces
  • Mazirek: None. ;3;
Hour of Devastation - 7
  • Saskia: Abrade
  • Ephara: Nimble Obstructionist
  • Mazirek: Desert of the Glorified, Desert of the Indomitable, Driven // Despair, Ramunap Excavator, Scavenger Grounds
Potentially Testing
  • Amonkhet: Rhonas the Indomitable, Vizier of Deferment
  • Hour of Devastation: Angel of Condemnation, Hour of Devastation, Hour of Revelation, Mirage Mirror, Supreme Will
Sleeper card of the set definitely is Hour of Devastation. I feel that people tend to underestimate damage-based removal in EDH, and this takes out two of the most annoying classes of permanents in one swipe.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, standard question applies. Are you getting anything from the new set?


For me, I don't play much tribal so there's not a ton of stuff that appeals. That said, hoping to pick up the wizards deck and maybe the vampires one too.


Saskia: Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist; Path of Ancestry

Ephara: Portal Mage

Mazirek: Nothing as of now, but maybe Curse of Disturbance or Vindictive Lich

For the toolbox: Kindred Boon; Teferi's Protection; Apprentice Necromancer (w/ new art!); Kindred Charge; Kess, Dissident Mage; Mairsil, the Pretender

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*picks up all the decks*

i dont have a problem shut up



Teferi's Protection might be good in Atraxa with all the hate the commander gets. Blind Obedience gets a spot too (cause funk people)

Portal Mage seems fun in Baral

Finally get Blade of the Bloodchief for Yaheeni, plus other fun stuff

Disrupt Decorum will be fun in Neheb the Eternal and the Worthy

Taigam goes in Scarab God

Mairsil gets its own deck

so does Mirri

and Kess

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  On 8/12/2017 at 4:47 AM, Forest Fire said:

*picks up all the decks*

i dont have a problem shut up



Teferi's Protection might be good in Atraxa with all the hate the commander gets. Blind Obedience gets a spot too (cause funk people)

Portal Mage seems fun in Baral

Finally get Blade of the Bloodchief for Yaheeni, plus other fun stuff

Disrupt Decorum will be fun in Neheb the Eternal and the Worthy

Taigam goes in Scarab God

Mairsil gets its own deck

so does Mirri

and Kess



My MtG spend this week will be around $150. I'm not judging, I deserve the judgment just as much.


On such a note, decided I'm gonna build Edgar instead of wizards. Inalla just takes too much work to upgrade, and I don't want to deal with getting more Ux lands. On the other hand, I need

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Still need to plot out the updates with C17 (haven't gotten around to getting Hour cards for most of them) but I do know I'm planning on building Edgar Markov at some point. I've transformed most of my casual decks from when I started playing into commander decks and Vampires is one of the few I have remaining to do and he seems like an awesome commander.


  On 8/12/2017 at 8:01 PM, 「RINNE」 said:

My MtG spend this week will be around $150. I'm not judging, I deserve the judgment just as much.


To update most my commander decks for Hour it will cost me $66
To make heavy updates to 3 other commander decks (without adding Hour) is another $75
I'm buying birthday gifts for two friends and between the two I'm spending about $50


And this isn't counting the fact I want to finish building my Talrand list.


Magic is a giant money sink.


So, I plotted out what decks can get what from C17. I noticed that I'd be willing to put Path of Ancestry in EVERY one of my decks. At the actual worse it is a ETB tapped Scry land which I already like. The fact that +3 color decks get a lot from the mana fixing only makes it better. However it does cost a significant enough amount (3.5) and I have so many commander lists that I'd rather just put it into decks that can actually get a lot of milage from the Scry ability. So with that, cards I'm considering to add are


Animar: Magus of the Mind
Rith: Teferi's Protection, Mirri, the Weatherlight Duelist
Freyalise: Kindred Summons, Heirloom Blade, Herald's Horn
Grenzo: Kindred Dominance, Curse of Opulence, Heirloom Blade, Herald's Horn, Path of Ancestry
Iroas: Teferi's Protection, Curse of Opulence
Sliver Overlord: Kindred Discovery, Kindred Dominance, Kindred Summons, Heirloom Blade, Herald's Horn, Path of Ancestry
Gitrog: Traverse the Outlands
Kemba: Hammer of Nazahn, Heirloom Blade
Sidisi: Curse of Disturbance, Kindred Dominance, Heirloom Blade, Herald's Horn, Path of Ancestry
Sigarda: Kindred Boon, Teferi's Protection
Wort: Izzet Chemister, Kindred Charge


Figured out the full update. Slashed the stuff I decided against adding.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/21/2017 at 3:22 AM, Sixty said:

i recently traded my way up to some revised duals for some decks, yeehaw


teferi's protection is sunforgable and goes into brion. my favorite card they've printed in a long time

Yea, a duel land would get you most of what you'd need to get a whole deck.


And yea, I put Protection into Iroas because of it being sunforgable. Sunforger is a hell of a card. So is protection. Sucks that it is unlikely to drop in value much, since I'm likely to need a few copies.

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Finished building Prossh. Like I was afraid the deck can easily do nothing on the first few turns, but commander is slow enough in most cases that it shouldn't be too bad. Could easily add more ramp if I find it too big an issue when I do build and play the deck. Still, the deck can do some insane things thanks to Prossh and a good number of the Dragons I went with have some synergy with him.

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Ahoy folks! I've been playing Magic about 4 months now and played my first game of Commander last Thursday! I don't have a deck so someone lent me their white/black enchantment deck (forgot the name of the commander, they were a zombie that gave you an experience counters when you cast an enchantment and could pay mana to create a spirit with Power/Toughness equal to your experience counters.) I played 2 5-player games and had a lot of fun.
I've decided to build a deck with Ludevic and his monster as partners in crime because they give me a reason to continue using some of my favourite cards like Brain in a Jar even after they rotate out of Standard. I'm want to use Stitcher Geralf as well and try to stick to that 'Innistrad Frankenstein' theme for most of the deck because I love it.

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  On 8/26/2017 at 8:08 PM, goodfusion said:

Ahoy folks! I've been playing Magic about 4 months now and played my first game of Commander last Thursday! I don't have a deck so someone lent me their white/black enchantment deck (forgot the name of the commander, they were a zombie that gave you an experience counters when you cast an enchantment and could pay mana to create a spirit with Power/Toughness equal to your experience counters.) I played 2 5-player games and had a lot of fun.


I've decided to build a deck with Ludevic and his monster as partners in crime because they give me a reason to continue using some of my favourite cards like Brain in a Jar even after they rotate out of Standard. I'm want to use Stitcher Geralf as well and try to stick to that 'Innistrad Frankenstein' theme for most of the deck because I love it.

Welcome aboard! You'd be best off posting a list here, such that we can give you feedback on deckbuilding and card choices. Anyhow, do you have a specific wincon and/or budget in mind? Will help to better give suggestions.

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  On 8/26/2017 at 8:08 PM, goodfusion said:

Ahoy folks! I've been playing Magic about 4 months now and played my first game of Commander last Thursday! I don't have a deck so someone lent me their white/black enchantment deck (forgot the name of the commander, they were a zombie that gave you an experience counters when you cast an enchantment and could pay mana to create a spirit with Power/Toughness equal to your experience counters.) I played 2 5-player games and had a lot of fun.


I've decided to build a deck with Ludevic and his monster as partners in crime because they give me a reason to continue using some of my favourite cards like Brain in a Jar even after they rotate out of Standard. I'm want to use Stitcher Geralf as well and try to stick to that 'Innistrad Frankenstein' theme for most of the deck because I love it.

I'd also recommend EDHRec as a good place to look for ideas for cards to get for certain decks. Sometimes obvious inclusions are easy to miss. A theme of Frankenstein's Monster is a harder one to pin down, but I have some ideas. The Innistrad blue Zombies are cool, and with them you can go an off beat blue zombie tribal theme. You won't have a lot of the best cards for it since that needs black, but we have a lot of colorless tribal support as well. Past that you'd want affects that let you put cards from your hand and deck into you're graveyard since those blue zombis feed on creatures in the graveyard. If you want specific suggestions, as Rinne said, we're happy to help.

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Thanks guys!


Decided to look through cards on Gatherer and my collection to make the deck. I've decided on a lot of creatures but I don't know what instants and sorceries I should play, which are needed for Delver of Secrets, Brain in a Jar, etc.




My budget is pretty low so I'd like to spend as little as possible.

As for wincon, I haven't really thought about it.


I'll have any suggestions : )

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  On 8/30/2017 at 12:28 AM, goodfusion said:

Thanks guys!


Decided to look through cards on Gatherer and my collection to make the deck. I've decided on a lot of creatures but I don't know what instants and sorceries I should play, which are needed for Delver of Secrets, Brain in a Jar, etc.




My budget is pretty low so I'd like to spend as little as possible.

As for wincon, I haven't really thought about it.


I'll have any suggestions : )


I really don't have much experience with the U/R side of EDH but check out EDHREC.com or mtggoldfish and look through the decks there. You'll find plenty of staple cards and ideas of what to put into your deck. It should also give you a general idea of what your going to spend on each card. Also, delver is not a very good card in EDH. 3/2 flyers are really not that impressive in EDH and you can definitely fit a more impactful card into his place.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, full spoilers are out for Ixalan. What're you all eyeing for your decks as upgrades?



  • Additions: Glacial Fortress (upgrading art).
  • Considerations: ---


  • Additions: Bishop of RebirthCall to the FeastLegion's LandingMavren Fein, Dusk ApostleSanctum SeekerVona, Butcher of MaganVanquisher's Banner (all great for vampire tribal), Arguel's Blood Fast (card draw!).
  • Considerations: Bloodcrazed Paladin (again, vampires).


  • Additions: Drowned Catacomb (upgrading art), Deadeye Tracker (grave hate + counters), Herald of Secret Streams (evasion for Grimgrin), Hostage Taker (great removal).
  • Considerations: Thaumatic Compass (helps hit land drops and turns into Maze of Ith).

This set seems awfully light on cards to me, tbh. If I didn't have Edgar I'd be getting a lot fewer cards.

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