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CowCow asks the important questions

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Hot pockets always burn my mouth. But that is more an issue of me not waiting long enough to safely eat the thing.


That said I haven't had a hot pocket in a long time because I don't particularly care for them. They're very much of frozen processed meal quality so if anything all frozen meals in general should be complained about if one wants to hate on hot pockets.

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Same problem as when people get a diarrhea after eating Mexican food


I never understood that one


like wtf


are American stomachs really that weak

On a similar note, when the spanish came to america "originally"


All the natives died of diseases


like wtf


were native american's immune systems really that weak

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On a similar note, when the spanish came to america "originally"


All the natives died of diseases


like wtf


were native american's immune systems really that weak


Just like anyone else, their immune systems were very weak to diseases they had never been exposed to. Eurpeans introduced several nasty ones with smallpox generally being mentioned primarily and the first time exposure is what hit the native american population so hard.

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Just like anyone else, their immune systems were very weak to diseases they had never been exposed to. Eurpeans introduced several nasty ones with smallpox generally being mentioned primarily and the first time exposure is what hit the native american population so hard.

So our stomachs are just weak to mexican food because we don't have it all the time.

At least, I know I wouldn't. =P (Taco Bell really =/= Mexican)


And I know that, silly. American History class pretty much smashes this into your head. Well, in my class…it's more like lightly hitting you with a pillow.

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