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IRL deck.

Azure Wolf

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1x Quilbolt Hedgehog

1x Beelist Soldier

1x Cross-sword Beetle

1x Memory Crush King

1x Fabled Urustos

1x Wind-up Bat

1x Wind-Up Soldier

2x Blazewing Butterfly

1x Blackwing - Bora the Spear

1x Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain

1x Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

1x Spell Striker

1x Drillago

1x Emperor Sem

1x Card Trooper

1x Blast Sphere

1x Gaap, the Divine Soldier

1x Trap Eater

1x Gemini Soldier

1x Des Koloa

1x Hyozanryu

1x Gogiga Gagagigo

1x Summoned Skull

1x Card Destruction

1x Big Bang Shot

1x Rush Recklessly

1x Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade

1x Crashbug Road

1x Photon Lead

1x Swing of Memories

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Ego Boost

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Changing Destiny

1x Ceasefire

1x Overwind

1x Half or Nothing

1x Defence Draw

1x Raigeki Break



This deck has won a total of 2 games one vs a Burn stall and the other vs another random deck. This deck was constructed out of cards I have found around my house, usually from old starter and structure decks. The ways this deck can mainly win is with boosting Wind-up Soldier to 9200 ATK with piercing and managing to swarm with Normal monsters.

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To be honest that deck is relatively old. I have gotten more cards since making it but haven't edited it as their isn't anyone near me to really duel against who have well constructed decks, combined with the fact there isn't anywhere to get me playing YGO at a competitive level near me my good decks are mainly on Devpro and DN. If I worked with the cards I now have I could probably make it better, currently the best card I own would be Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand, but I have a lack of level 8 monsters.

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this deck has no real theme to it. its just a bunch of random cards that dont fit together.. You need synergy.  That is key for this game. Pick a theme/ archtype and stick to it. Also an extra deck would be helpful.  Maybe try blackwings. its a good deck and cheap to build



Also, there is no way in this deck to boost Wind-up soldier to 9200?  please explain how you think you can do this.

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this deck has no real theme to it. its just a bunch of random cards that dont fit together.. You need synergy.  That is key for this game. Pick a theme/ archtype and stick to it. Also an extra deck would be helpful.  Maybe try blackwings. its a good deck and cheap to build



Also, there is no way in this deck to boost Wind-up soldier to 9200?  please explain how you think you can do this.

I'm aware that the deck has no synergy its just a deck I constructed out of whatever cards I found lying around. I am working on getting more cards but there aren't many places which sell decks or booster packs near me and I can't be bothered to order individual cards. I am currently think what deck to create though as I have said there isn't really anywhere for me to play besides home and online, and in my house the only other deck is also a random jumble of cards.


As for the Wind-up Soldier you use its effect making it 2200, then equipped with Big Bang Shot and Phoenix Blade makes it 2900, then Rush Recklessly and Ego Boost makes it 4600, then you use Overwind to make it 9200.

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