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Post-SECE Qliphorts

CLG Klavier

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Monsters [17]

2 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
1 Performapal Trampolynx
1 Qliphort Access
1 Qliphort Alias
1 Qliphort Assembly
3 Qliphort Carrier
3 Qliphort Disk
2 Qliphort Helix
3 Qliphort Scout

Spells [13]
1 Laser Qlip

3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Pot of Duality
3 Saqlifice
3 Summoner's Art

Traps [10]
1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Qlimate Change

3 Skill Drain
1 Solemn Warning
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Vanity's Emptiness


I realize that Front Observer is a pretty damn solid card, but I was still a bit more satisfied with Odd-Eyes, mainly because it doesn't leave a tiny body behind and it never hits grave, which is at least a bit relevant for Access. From the new Qliphorts: Access is a pretty nice uninteractive finisher, it's pretty damn nice against stuff like Shaddolls and Burning Abyss due to them constantly filling up their grave. Alias has the possibility of bouncing your Scout for another search, but most importantly, it make the entire chain of itself/Saqlifice/Helix/Carrier immune to any counters, Assembly is bonkers, but it's dead on its own unlike Scout, AND it's really tutorable, so one copy seems enough.

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Its Konami.

They have a tendency to mess up rulings constantly that would completely neuter the usage of a card, as well as constantly contradicting themselves.


For example; DD Sprite. Logic would dictate that the monster used to SS it, will return no matter what, but Konami says if Sprite leaves, the monster stays gone.

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I assume it has to do with Qliphs' level changing?




if konami messes up and treats them as level 6 monsters when their effects get negated, it will see zero play whatsoever.


Either way, it will be treated as level 4 on Special summon, but we don't know what happens afterwards when their level becomes 6. does the other effect then apply? 

ignore that part

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