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The nearly forgotten...


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I picked up Magic about the same time I picked up YGO, and my father and I went back and forth on both.

My Spellcasters versus his Dragons, my Red/Black versus his Black/Blue.

He never held back, and thus I was an absolute, brutal beast when unleashed against children my own age. And we played for each other's cards . . . yeah.

Regarding Magic, I've only played . . . what . . . six times outside my house?

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I started playing YGO first and have only really played Magic using DotP. While I do have two Magic decks I only really played when I went up to my dad's after he remarried but after they got divorced/seperated (not really sure about this) I stopped playing against people using real cards as no-one in my house except me plays Magic.


The same goes for YGO, except this time it was just against my brothers who later stopped playing, (and despite this I still can't get BLS off one of my brothers.)

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