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YCM Grand Pokémon Tournament 3

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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I assume the next matches will be going up fairly soon then?

Yeah, the first 4 should be up tonight. 

Now that those blasted exams are dealt with, I can post them on a regular schedule. 


I think it was a tie, if I remember right. So you don't need to worry. :)

Yeah, it was 7-7.

But feel free to vote against it to the end. 


(I think the RNG gave them another match this time to settle things)

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Results for the first half of Round 4 are up.

Sorry British, it appears Haxorus met its end here (so there goes one more to your kill list)


As for the plot (which should be apparent now), it's going on a similar trail to Arc-V now.


You can consider Vaporeon to be part of the Academia, and Latias/Espeon and whoever else it's killed so far as the Resistance members that Sora's group killed/sealed into cards.

(Really don't know which of the remaining nominations would fit Shun or Yuto in this situation)

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Vaporeon's still on my kill list, and probably will be until it dies in the tournament.

Although Houndoom is off of both of ours now that it lost to Hydreigon.


I'm just happy both of my legendaries got through; shame that Giratina lost though (even though it wasn't my nomination).



The plot thickens for Round 5 though, as Vaporeon has essentially become Shi'unin Sora in regards to what it's done for the majority of the tournament.

Probably safe to assume that the other nominations that make it through are part of the Resistance.

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Yeah, and the hatred against it continues to grow.


Seriously though, you might as well call it Sora the 2nd because it fits well with what happened in Arc-V so far.

Vaporeon is Sora/Academia, everyone else is the Resistance. (I already mentioned this, didn't I?)



Hmm, this could be a nice plot for the 4th series; have the participants divide themselves into factions (based on the Summoning dimensions) and reenact Arc-V (or even 5Ds/ZEXAL if you want that).

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If anything fights against Vaporeon in Round 5, should just make it Sora v Shun/Yuto.

We've already established Vaporeon to be Sora this round, and whoever faces it as Shun/Yuto or whoever's in Resistance that's worth noting.


Yugo's not in here.




As for the other R4 matches, seems Arcanine is winning for the time being (which is good news).

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Well, it was against Xerneas last round, and that was one of my own nominations.

Though the next rounds are getting tougher.


Sigh, I suppose there's no getting around it.

Even if some people think Vaporeon isn't worth it, it apparently still has a good amount of backing here.



Although I suppose that my nominations have done better this time around; as of this time last tournament, only Latias remained. Now I have her bro, Arca and Xerneas up here.

Then again, Espeon met its end around the same time, against one of its own kin, if I might add.



I will make sure Latios stays in here, no matter what (as well as the other two I have remaining).

Like the Resistance, if they're going to die, at least they're going out fighting to the end.


Sora will not scare them.

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I think if there's another tie I might delete my vote just to make it not a tie, depending on who the contestants are.

As for kill list....I don't have one, I like all these Pokemon. Just some more than others, so it turned out pretty well I'd think.

Never had a nomination last this long, from what I remember.

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Totally forgot you had the ability to set the time for these to lock. Probably because of Cow (not saying it's your fault, but it is).


None of my nominations made it (I don't remember how far they made it, really), so now I have to pick between Arcanine and Vaporeon.


Definitely not something I ever thought I'd have to do (somehow), I can say that.

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