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ITT: We act out of character.

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Assassin's Creed is a wonderful series from an excellent developer. So much better than that Kingdom Hearts crap.

Dan Slott is an amazing writer who needs to keep writing Spider-Man until the end of time. He's definitely taken the most out of all the opportunities that One More Day offered. I think that One More Day, not to mention Superior Spider-Man, led to some of the best Spider-Man stories in the past decade.

Gagagigo is one of the worst Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in the game. He's a vanilla, so that means he's not good for anything. I don't even know what the big deal is about him. He's a waste of paper as far as I'm concerned. Eria's the lamest of the Charmers anyway, so being the sidekick to the worst Charmer is perhaps the most insulting existence one could have.

Shikamaru totally should have hooked up with Ino.

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The ToQger costumes don't suck at all, and the color-change gimmick isn't the lamest thing seen in Super Sentai.


The computer voices on the Masked Rider henshin belts since Den-O have never been pointless and annoying.


Fight scenes in battle manga have never been made dull because of excessive dialogue about how everyone's powers work and flashbacks to the character's generic tragic childhood that has been written a million times in the history of fiction.


Final Fantasy has been not reduced to a never-ending sea of bishies, angst, overblown robotic dialogue, and j-pop.


Megaman X5 was well-written, did not feel like just another sequel, and whose endings tried to create the feeling of a conclusion.


Megaman X6 was bad because it ruined the X series' series, which had good story-telling.


Megaman 8 was bad because "DR. WAI-RY" and lack of E-Tanks.


Classic Megaman should've stayed in 8-bit and focus only on the gamers who played it when they were kids, and not try to modernize itself like Mario and The Legend of Zelda games.


Dead Space wasn't Resident Evil 4-6 done right.


Tito Ortiz cutting a wrestling-style promo on Bellator wasn't stupid at all.


Wolverine will stay dead.


Nai will still be on the right side when we Legion despite her being a mod.


DC's movie universe doesn't look like a trainwreck waiting to happen.


Making Arrow and The Flash TV shows in continuity with the new DC movies would be a bad move.


The YCMPD will never arrest Evilfusion for possession of photon with intent to use, nor will we arrest the mysterious dealer who stashes the drugs in potatoes.


RAEG does not have an evil twin named hapyp.

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So I hear we got Charmer support. Way to go, Konami. Give a completely worthless not-even-an-archetype a tiny glimmer of what almost looks playable. Gawd, wtf are they smoking over there? Must be cigarettes. Those do wonderful things. But they at least got Qlips right. I for one wasn't happy with their limited potential, and SECE is just what the archetype needed to really make it big-time. And Shaddolls, as I expected, got s*** this set. Wendigo is total crap, and there's no denying it. It's only got 200 ATK points! What am I supposed to do with this garbage?

I'm still not enjoying this, by the way. It got old before I even started, and I'm surprised this thread hasn't died yet. I expect hope it does so very soon; it'd be doing us all a favor.

I could always use the lock your own thread thing if the thread was that bad of an idea.
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