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A Spellcaster that negates your own card effects!?

Big Lez

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Since there are a lot of cards that your opponent can benefit from too, i thought this card might actually be a quite decent support for decks that run those cards

Im dont know every card in the game - but i know cards like "Mausoleom of the Emperor", "Skill Drain", "Vanity's Emptiness" etc. 


This card would just give you an quite unfair advantage over your opponent IF you control a card like that. Since it can't negate your opponent's card i guess this is balanced.


This card cannot be destroyed by card effects as long as you control continuous traps/spells or Field/Equip Spells wich is pretty sweet too i guess. 

What do you guys think and maybe you know some cards that could run with this even better than the ones i named.





During either player's turn: You can negate the effect of any face-up Spell/Trap Card you control until the end of that turn, and if you do, this card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell/Trap Cards your opponent controls until the end of that turn.

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you cant negate your opponent's emptiness with this card. Only your own one, wich would only make sense during your own turn. You wont negate it during your opponent's turn, except if he attemts to destroy another card you control, negating it's effect to prevent it from destroying itself would make sense...

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i guess i should add that it negates it until the end phase. The whole idea would be ruined if its negated permanently and it would leave you with a occupied S/T Card Zone just to save a 2400 ATK monster from dying to a card effect.


Yeah that vid is a pretty similar strategy. But this time it blocks an effect monster and draws a card, while this combo protects a monster and negates the effect of a S/T you control like Vanitys but yeah in the end, that Warlock would allow a Special Summon as soon as he negates Vanitys Emtpiness - BUT also works with other cards that would benefit your opponent. 


I'll add that "negate until End Phase" thingy now.


Thanks for the feedback :)

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I think it has a synergy issue with Skill Drain. As soon as Skill Drain is off the hook, you'll have this card's effect negated and unable to try it a second time. Not to mention that if Skill Drain was already out when this card was Summoned, you'd need something like Trap Stun or Royal Decree to make it live, and in the case of Decree, it'd be counter-productive to even have Drain there.


To help in that regard, it'd probably need to have an activation cost that could get it off the field, much like how Stardust Dragon Tributes itself to activate.

Though that would also mean that you'd need to pass on the effects this card produces on itself, on to some other card that could remain on field.

Then again, Tributing itself would clash with Vanity's Emptyness.....


There is also that destruction in general isn't exactly the biggest priority in the game nowadays, and even less so if you further specify that it is only immune to Spell/Trap destruction effects, and only those coming from your opponent. It does have the plus that Dark Renewal helps bring it out, but that's about the most it has going for it.


Oh and I just noticed it only negates Spell/Traps you own, so even the King Barbaros combo I was thinking about as I started writing this post is not viable.

I'll have to ask if you have a specific build or kind of build that you intended this to be used at. It just seems like it is ok but doesn't have a real place that'd need it.


In my opinion it could afford to be a Level 4 or lower monster that cannot be negated by the effects of cards that you control. That way:

-Your opponent could still counter it.

-You can tech it in more decks.

-It wouldn't clash with Skill Drain or Vanity's Emptyness.


Of course, with a lower set of stats. It'd also change the protection effect from "is it really worth maining a heavy monster for this?" to just a welcomed extra bonus.


All in all, the concept is interesting though.

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Yeah it was my fault, to write "Skill Drain" there.. I wouldnt run it with skill drain, since it's blocked by it anyways so...Thank you for pointing that out^^


Since i wont Tribute anything the Clash with Vanity's Emptyness doesnt exist i guess?


BTW Dark Renewal wont bring it out - Its a FIRE Spellcaster 


If i reduce it's Level and Stats it would be way to easy to kill imo. Just summon a random Level 4 and destroy it by battle. Thats why its a Level 7. Yet your opponent could still just ruin this monster with any Special Summoned 10000 ATK monster of wich he has 6 on the field at the same time (as usual :D)


So to prevent this card from being beaten, or any other monster you control: Cards that would work well with this card too : Nightmare Steelcage. Gravity Bind, Messenger of Peace etc. 

The whole idea of this card is using cards that would prevent both players from making players OR benefit both players and just negating the effect of a card that blocks you when you need it, and prevent your opponent from benefiting from your card effects. 


So you would need to build a deck around cards that affect both players in a certain way i guess. 


But thank you a lot, its good to see that some people actually invest some time to think about a card. 

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