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Breaking News: The Trap's Restaurant Suddenly Closed Down By YCMPD


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On 4:56 AM on Saturday morning, The Trap's Restaurant had been suddenly closed down for finding haunted animatronics and bootleg video game consoles. Detectice Agroo had first noticed the problem when he first inspected the scene during it's grand opening, remarking that he would keep an eye on the owner, in which he left a hidden surveillance camera in the front part of the restaurant. As he closely watched for 2 weeks, he began to hear strange noises and loud screams from the security guard. Upon arriving at the scene, Agro realized it was his partner, Goose, who had been attacked and did not realize that The Trap's restaurant was literally a trap.

More details will be released to the public once the case has been closed by the YCMPD.

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