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im writing a ya novel

Just Crouton

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its about an average attractive teenage girl with a super unique and beautiful name whos insecure about being really attractive and having a super unique and beautiful name and lives in a world where society does stuff and has laws too stupid even for fantasy/scifi fiction and the girl discovers she has special powers and stuff happens and theres a generic hunky love interest whos a love interest because shes attractive and hes attractive so they want 2be attractive together


its going to a trilogy and will be adapted into a movie series where the 3rd book is broken into 2 movies and the lead actress is going to be some really attractive girl no one has ever heard of and will likely forget after this movie because she isnt jennifer lawrence


im going to give the novel a title so generic itll clump into every other ya fantasy series so people will likely forget it exists

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You have discovered the secret.

I'm sorry but you have 24 hours before the agency arrives at your door to take your brain.


wont happen i know an overly attractive young teenage girl with a super unique and beautiful name and special powers who will save me

Zeonic is prepared to fund this venture in exchange for exclusive merchandising rights.


makin it rain

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I can't wait to read the first book, hype the heck out of the other two, tell all my friends about them and get them to read them, go to the midnight showing of all four movies, buy all the merchandise thrown my way for about a half a year after the last movie and ultimately forget about this amazing series to be.

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