Blake Posted November 8, 2014 Report Share Posted November 8, 2014 I am not back in the traditional sense. The house my family is renting is being sold, so we have to be out by January 31st, though we are on good terms with the owner. Mom does not currently have a job, so we don't know what we're going to do, though we do have somewhere to go as a last resort, so don't worry about this. But my days are now going to be emptier than planned, and I can't start getting back into college like I planned to do when I left. So, instead of posting everywhere on the site, I'm going to stay in this thread and make a small project of it. Was testing a lot of different decks lately upon DevPro updating, and want to put my thoughts on paper and share what I've done/found, and I lack the confidence to do it elsewhere.I will not respond to PMs except to give my Skype to those who ask for it. So feel free to do that.Not gonna type out the decklists because of so many decks, so just ask if you don't recognize something. Songs embedded in the pictures due to restrictions on videos per post.[spoiler=Nuclear Fusion - Volcanics]This deck is, while not comparable to the top decks, actually really good now. Magazine adds a lot of consistency to the deck that it needed, and the deck does have a fair number of good cards that just never had a chance to shine.The most notable facet of the deck is that you have a recyclable trap-like Raigeiki that burns 1500 and is absurdly easy to set off. And this is the real selling point for the deck, IMO.Lavalval Chain is also a card that enables you to consistently "search" your deck for any monster. You can almost always draw 1, so anything you stack is easily added to your hand without costing you a draw phase. Do note that it can dump a Magazine to have a live Raigeki waiting.Summoner Monk has been MVP as a 7th/8th copy of Magazine or 4th/5th copy of Rocket. You run enough spells for it to be live often, and it enables Xyz plays; Namely Lavalval Chain or an answer to the occasion. It does suck when it gets negated, but negation should be less common now/be Fiendish Chain, so you have at least 4 answers to it being negated between MST and BoM. When it resolves, it puts you leaps and bounds further into the gamestate, and it's really earned its place.I can't find room or need for CotH. It doesn't sound too bad, but I do lack the space required for it. I'd run Duality #3 before CotH.Royal Firestorm Guards is a broken card. I feel like this is the only problem card in the entire deck (and Lavalval Chain, shhh), which says a lot considering how GOOD the rest of the cards in the deck are. They just need all 3 of this guy to keep going and fighting.Doomfire is funny because it's an essentially searchable boss. Wouldn't run more than 1, but you actually set up your Raigeki by putting the card in the grave, and you get a 3000 boss that puts a lot of pressure on the opp to remove it. Best off of Lavalval Chain + draw, but a neat surprise to the gamestate when you drop it from drawing it. Can also be discarded for Magazine.Overall, it's very easy to control the game (unless you're against Burning Abyss/somewhat Shadoll), especially with how Scattershot makes cards miss timing. Even decks that can recover lost resources, like Satellarknights or Qliphorts, can't keep up with the multinukes.All in all, I'd say that this is in the top percentage of pet decks, and could even break into decent rogue territory. Like many of the GX Era decks, it was a deck full of good cards lacking a good card to tie it together... and now it has it.[/spoiler][spoiler=Azure Light - Gem-Knights]Lapislazuli is the best f***ing card oh my God.I would easily say that this is now the best Act 1/2 DT deck, easily. Constellars and Gishki don't even compare, and X-Sabers are still awful.Lapislazuli adds a ton of potential to cut down the Opp's HP in chips while also making even a fusion of 2x Vanilla not cost you.Diamond is great for being extra copies of her that can be SS'd the same turn as her, as well as being versatile outside of that.Lapis is fine to get off of Rabbit, considering what she makes. And Rabbit is still a versatile +1 that enables multiple types of plays, even serving as an extra copy of Gem-Knight Fusion.It's fine to run 8-9 Vanillas because of how Lapis is essentially an effect monster in terms of being used as fusion fodder.Amber is essentially "add 1 monster in your grave to your hand" the turn it's Gemini Summoned, which combos perfectly with the card that sets it up to BE Gemini Summoned; Obsidian.Garnet is the worst Vanilla, but you need to hit Vanillas more than even Obsidian/Lazuli, especially the latter who is optimally going to stay in your deck most times for Lapislazuli to use her. He's also a vanilla that allows you to "Search" Gem-Knight Fusion with Rabbit.Absorb Fusion is a better RotA... need I say more?Gem-Armadillo searches your remaining combo pieces needed and can make Zirconia.D.D.R. is a really good 1-of combo piece. I'd run more, but I fear it would compromise consistency.Volcanic Shell helps maintain advantage, and can be fodder for D.D.R., which happens more than you'd think.The deck still bricks sometimes, but far less than before, and the only real brick is not hitting Fusion... Which you're running 7 of (Rabbit, Absorb Fusion) in addition to 3x Upstart. You should be hitting usable hands far more often than not.Upstart is, of course, mitigated by Lapizlazuli.I'd love to fit Leviair, but space.Also, Soul Charge for 5 including Lady Lapizlazuli and Diamond is a 5K burn that can possibly +2 more. It's rare, but you win when you resolve it, either from the burn or the sheer advantage game.Deck is honestly really potent, and while I doubt Brilliant Fusion/Lady Diamond will make it a best deck, they are terrifying to think of.[/spoiler][spoiler=Disciple of the Ice - Nekroz]Valkyrus is honestly a really good card, and I don't know why people don't run it. It thins your deck for good cards (Dragon Ruler mentality), it makes a good setup with Denko Sekka, and is bigger than Trishula.2-2 Mirrors because they brick. 2 Kaleidomirror is in no way a new idea, but I just cut the 3rd Exomirror because I kept ending up with worse hands because I had that dead copy. It hasn't really been a problem, in testing, but I will test it more.Kaleido is also a mediocre card past T4~ almost all the time. It becomes a generic ritual spell. It makes insanely good openings, but not past that for the most part.1 Gungnir because, well... she isn't actually a great card. She's far better as a 1-of hand trap than something you devote to. She does have a good effect, but... you never WANT to discard your Nekroz cards bar extra mirrors/mirrors you can immediately get back with prep of rites. See the issue? She is a decent card, but unlike similar cards, her deck's hand isn't something you can throw away for a profit.Archmage is just a tech I like, and it combos well with Valkyrus. It can also search out Gungnir, which is nice.[/spoiler][spoiler=About Taking Names - Infernoid Gallis]Mostly a silly idea. It makes me sad that the trap is so utterly mediocre, because the Field Spell is so insanely good. Alas, we don't know what the rest of the incoming S/T Support IS, so this is what I've to work with.Do note that Asmodai looks like Adramalech in art, and upon summoning magically starts being Adramalech, and Adramalech isn't even on DevPro. GJ DevPro. So Adramalech basically is Adramalech, shocker.The best Infernoids are, in order:1. Astaroth (1800/0 Level 4, pops S/T)2. Lucifugus (1600/0 Level 3, pops Monsters)3. Beelzebul (0/2000 Level 2, bounces face-up cards)Despite their inability to revive themselves, their effects are all good, and the levels of all but Beelzebul are good. The only thing holding Beelzebul back from being on top is the fact that there is 0 force behind it. Literally.Astaroth maks R4 and Lucifugus makes R3 in addition to their powerful effects, though you often want to leave them out to disrupt the grave. Satellars, in particular, seem to have an extremely difficult time fighting this deck.+Nehemoth costs way too much. It's the fourth best in testing (again, no Asmodai testing), but he's so costly. I've only summoned him a handful of times. The other names are just mediocre beyond words, and I only keep them around for their names. Nehemoth is also an insanely hilarious mill for Gallis.Not much else to say, it's just a better Gallis deck than Gallis has had in ages. I had Witch of the Black Rose, but as cute as it was, didn't feel insanely worth it. Might be better than Birdman, though.BTW, Gallis mills for effects. PSCT FTW.[/spoiler][spoiler=Last Train - Pew Pew Pew.dek] chuggachuggachuggachugaachuggachugga CHOO CHOO Basically, this is an extremely unfair OTK deck that can also just laugh in the face of pretty much every relevant deck not named Qliphorts. Derricrane/Ruffian Railcar are both usable as Xyz Material under Skill Drain, so your Xyz Monsters still have effects after you flip it. You can OTK really easily with this deck, and M. Cyber-End allows you to swing for 4K before you use the field, alleviating you of the battle damage restriction at times. And the first effect of the Field is really good T1/Skill Drain turns, as it lets you just explode advantage out. Machina engine because it gives you good discard fodder as well as extra 1800s for the Field. Machina Gearframe's a really good card, to boot. Not sure I like Special Schedule yet... It's good set bait in addition to revival, but.. Revolving Switchyard is just your Wincon. If you hit/resolve it, you're basically GOING to kill them. It's not 100%, and you need to use it properly, but it does too much. Thank GOD the translation where it was once each a turn was a mistranslation. Have yet to use Exodius, but I've only seen it once, so... IDK, might be worth it, might not. Not sure what else to say, it's mostly Gustav.dek with backup Number 81/Gangaridai and Skill Drain beat.[/spoiler][spoiler=Wicked Flight - Fluffals] [Decklist TBA]This deck is by no means strong. It's a casual, fun deck. That said, it is finally competent due to Tiger making even the meager recoveries you get from Rabbit/Cat better. It's still not the card it NEEDED, but it is a card it WANTED. If you can Fusion Summon twice in one turn, you're likely going to win that turn, as it's a mixture of multiple pops and 3-4 swings of 2500/2600. Frightfur Bear is only in there as a source of searching Bear/extra +1s with Fusion Reserve. Might go balls to the wall ala Gem-Knights with it, but it doesn't feel as potent as its fellow Fusion OTK deck. Not too much else to say, as a lot of the cards still feel a bit too... fair? But given the absurd fusion they got, it doesn't feel AS overly fair.[/spoiler][spoiler=Battle! Rebellion Leader! - DDD] [Decklist TBA] I really am liking this build more than the old one. More streamlined. Have yet to draw Pot of Riches/Wealth or Perpetual Oscillation, sadly, but they make sense in theory. The latter may just be outclasses by Galilei, who has really begun to pull its weight thanks to how you actually can benefit from multiple scale combinations now. Lilith is really the best card in the deck, monster-wise. Leo is a close second, but she gives you so much advantage. I am considering maxing her, but that OPT is a bit hard to deal with, despite being the standalone strongest. Trying 2 of Abyss Ragnarok, but unsure of ratios. I do occasionally desire to NS it, though, so that's good. 1 Ogre because it still lets me get Leos back, though I'm unsure if its scale is still required, so trying ratios. Will probably bump back up to 2, if only because Level.[/spoiler][spoiler=Future Colors Synchron][Decklist TBA]This deck has way too much synergy, despite the natural Tuner/Non-Tuner inconsistencies of the mechanic.First off, I wanna say that the deck, despite its synergy, feels a lot more like Fableds than Synchrons have until now. It still has some of the old plays (Explorer, Quickdraw, Level Eater = Quasar), but as a whole it reminds me of plying Fableds, and reminds me of why this is my favorite mechanic to play, despite the fact that this deck is fucking degenerate.The ED is also even tighter than Fableds, which says a lot as it remained possibly the tightest ED before this deck. Lots of decks are tight, but between the Warriors/Synchron Synchros you have to run, the Synchron Tuners, your bosses (SSD, Stardust Warrior, Quasar, later Ultimaya), you really have to value each and every card a fucking ton.Synchron Carrier is honestly extremely good, because you can sack a used Junk/SS'd Quickdraw with Starlight Junktion to get it, then NS Synchron Explorer to revive a Synchron and combo off. If you can leave it on the board a turn, which is rare, it allows you to snowball even more.Synchron Explorer is better than Junk Synchron, but the latter has a better name/type and is a Tuner. I'd say cut a junk but I dunno... I feel like I run out of junks too fast @2.Rush Warrior is the worst of the new support, and it's not bad. It's best for gaming the opponent or pitching it for Quickdraw/Jet, as a recurring card. Only 2 because testing PWWB over the 3rd it, 3rd MST, and 3rd RotA. Not including Limit Over Drive, Scrap Fist, or Scrap-Iron Statue.Jet Synchron and Warrior are both absolutely insane, and contribute a ton. Only problem I've had is accidentally searching/not searching with Jet Synchron, so... no problem at all! I cut the third to fit stuff, but might try to fit it back in.Junktion is insanely good,Stardust Warrior is a really potent boss, and the fact that it can float into "bounce a card" on 2100 or "e-tele a Warrior/Machine" on 3000 is hilarious.SSD has put in a lot of work as its own card, actually. Stardust has been the best generic Level 8 for the deck, and this leads me to making SSD with it at times, especially because of Junktion's spinning effect.SQD goes without saying, but it does feel overkill at times.[Potentially more info post-Testing]This is, truly, Yusei.dek.[/spoiler]Will add more as I test and try more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted November 9, 2014 Report Share Posted November 9, 2014 Gem Knights would be so much better OCG side but damn I never even considered valc legit. I hope your family situation gets better and I'm very intrigued to see the decks continue Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted November 9, 2014 Author Report Share Posted November 9, 2014 Fixed the Nekroz build. I knew there was something weird that I couldn't find space for MST#3, but I hadn't realized a third Trish had snuck in =T And yeah, Knights are much better OCG side due to extra Rabbit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted November 9, 2014 Report Share Posted November 9, 2014 Fixed the Nekroz build. I knew there was something weird that I couldn't find space for MST#3, but I didn't realized a third Trish had snuck in =T And yeah, Knights are much better OCG side due to extra Rabbit. I'm a little surprised you are not going for R7 plays with Tidal and Gungnir. Remind me, what is Diva @ TCG side? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted November 9, 2014 Author Report Share Posted November 9, 2014 I'm a little surprised you are not going for R7 plays with Tidal and Gungnir. Remind me, what is Diva @ TCG side?Diva's still at 1. I understand that they want to punish bad design with the list, but even I'm confused as to why she's not at 2 or more now... And I tried making a variant based around Gungnir/Tidal, but it just didn't work, as good as it sounds on paper. >= It made Valkyrus an absurdly good card, but in exchange for the rest of the deck being weaker overall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted November 9, 2014 Report Share Posted November 9, 2014 Diva's still at 1. I understand that they want to punish bad design with the list, but even I'm confused as to why she's not at 2 or more now... And I tried making a variant based around Gungnir/Tidal, but it just didn't work, as good as it sounds on paper. >= It made Valkyrus an absurdly good card, but in exchange for the rest of the deck being weaker overall. That's really interesting. Diva is @3 OCG side so you can reliably get one Diva to snag another, I can see why its not optimal TCG side. Debris was also popular seeing its more Tidal food and 1 card Lv7 with Shrit, but knowing TCG's dragonphobia I can bet that card is also limited/banned. IDK what I can tell you mate, Gungnir isnt even out yet so the testing for it have been limited, but I would really advise you put in another Trishula seeing BA stuff their ass with Target traps or you have Triple compuls OCG side...either way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted November 9, 2014 Author Report Share Posted November 9, 2014 That's really interesting. Diva is @3 OCG side so you can reliably get one Diva to snag another, I can see why its not optimal TCG side. Debris was also popular seeing its more Tidal food and 1 card Lv7 with Shrit, but knowing TCG's dragonphobia I can bet that card is also limited/banned. IDK what I can tell you mate, Gungnir isnt even out yet so the testing for it have been limited, but I would really advise you put in another Trishula seeing BA stuff their ass with Target traps or you have Triple compuls OCG side...either wayIt is limited, yeah.I just find her to be a really "Eh" card. Not bad, she just... Nekroz don't actually want to ditch their hand, and Level 7 only carries her so far =xAnd the main issue I found with Tidal variant is that to make it good you have to use up space that would normally be used on Denko Sekka or other such options. I can understand cutting Sekka from the main, but the issue remains that adding Tidal actually takes up a lot of free space. Granted, I haven't tested this since I cut to 2/2 Mirrors, and I could cut Claus down more, so I could try is.I guess I could try Trish 3 over Claus 3, but I never really find myself wanting more than 2... but it IS a good card in all aspects, so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted November 9, 2014 Report Share Posted November 9, 2014 I'm a OCG player and this is how I assess Necloths 4 Main decks to fear 1) Macro Verz Rabbit- Main threats are Ophion and Macro and basically the s*** ton of Traps they run- Heavy/Denko, MST, Trap Stun, lv 3 and lv 4 Necloths, less of a problem since Qliphorts started pushing them out 2) Heroes- Either they play Rank 4 or DDT, in both cases once they get the deck flowing (ideally T1) you cannot catch up, thus you need to fight the flood gates, Martial Law, Vanity, and Shock Master-OCG necloth now run 3 veiler (>diva), 3 MST is a must, 3) Shaddolls-Idk, TCG has S poly limited so your safe 4) Qliphorts-Skill f***ing Drain, Vanity, Soul Drain, latter is limited TCG so don't worry about it, again 3 MST. Basically with cards like Compuls @3 and you want need 3 Trishula. Its worse in TCG cause BA just basically added another 6 targeting traps and Virgil (?) targets? You might thing I'm being hypocritical cause a good portion of OCG decks run 2 Necloth Trishula, this is mostly cause the OCG has acclimated to the Regular Trish and veiler's popularity. But that's my two cents, I really dislike the idea of DNCG so I don't cross format test much, but I'm interested to see what you come up with Edit: Necloth seem to like hands now and maining shared ride, and Swarms like mistake Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted November 10, 2014 Author Report Share Posted November 10, 2014 I'm a OCG player and this is how I assess Necloths 4 Main decks to fear 1) Macro Verz Rabbit- Main threats are Ophion and Macro and basically the s*** ton of Traps they run- Heavy/Denko, MST, Trap Stun, lv 3 and lv 4 Necloths, less of a problem since Qliphorts started pushing them out 2) Heroes- Either they play Rank 4 or DDT, in both cases once they get the deck flowing (ideally T1) you cannot catch up, thus you need to fight the flood gates, Martial Law, Vanity, and Shock Master-OCG necloth now run 3 veiler (>diva), 3 MST is a must, 3) Shaddolls-Idk, TCG has S poly limited so your safe 4) Qliphorts-Skill f***ing Drain, Vanity, Soul Drain, latter is limited TCG so don't worry about it, again 3 MST. Basically with cards like Compuls @3 and you want need 3 Trishula. Its worse in TCG cause BA just basically added another 6 targeting traps and Virgil (?) targets? You might thing I'm being hypocritical cause a good portion of OCG decks run 2 Necloth Trishula, this is mostly cause the OCG has acclimated to the Regular Trish and veiler's popularity. But that's my two cents, I really dislike the idea of DNCG so I don't cross format test much, but I'm interested to see what you come up with Edit: Necloth seem to like hands now and maining shared ride, and Swarms like mistake I do recognize the shared format being a nonexistent thing, btw. But for me, I lack the money to play irl, so I don't mind, though I do understand that it won't give me true information so much as information that will matter moreso to me. It's a way to experience everything and try everything, even if it won't actually happen. It's not a perfect logic, but I do still follow the TCG (should probably pay more attention to the OCG as well, come to think of it...), I just won't ever likely play in a true TCG format so I don't have anything against mixing formats, if that makes sense. I do, however, understand disliking mixing them, as cards like Noden, GGG Samurai, etc. are not fair YGOs, especially not under the TCG list. What's a sample OCG Decklist for Nekroz, as such? So I can get a better idea of what they play and why, if you will. And the Trish logic does make sense, so I will def test it over Claus #3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted November 10, 2014 Report Share Posted November 10, 2014 I do recognize the shared format being a nonexistent thing, btw. But for me, I lack the money to play irl, so I don't mind, though I do understand that it won't give me true information so much as information that will matter moreso to me. It's a way to experience everything and try everything, even if it won't actually happen. It's not a perfect logic, but I do still follow the TCG (should probably pay more attention to the OCG as well, come to think of it...), I just won't ever likely play in a true TCG format so I don't have anything against mixing formats, if that makes sense. I do, however, understand disliking mixing them, as cards like Noden, GGG Samurai, etc. are not fair YGOs, especially not under the TCG list. What's a sample OCG Decklist for Nekroz, as such? So I can get a better idea of what they play and why, if you will. And the Trish logic does make sense, so I will def test it over Claus #3. Technically, I live in the US, so I can't really play OCG either, its just certain exclusives are exclusive for a reason. Like DDVoD would make BA tier 0. Necloths basically Tier 0ed the place after October Banlist handed out 7 limit to the top deck and effectively killed #1 & #2. I would be aware that the Wind Shaddoll could make Herodoll incredibly good so just keep that in mind. Also seeing Diamond Dust is being sided, main Raigeki, enjoy the tears of OCG players who wish KoJ would unban some cards Torns ~100+ is what you want for competitive builds (ik its obv but might as well say it) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slinky Posted November 10, 2014 Report Share Posted November 10, 2014 Technically, I live in the US, so I can't really play OCG either, its just certain exclusives are exclusive for a reason. Like DDVoD would make BA tier 0. Necloths basically Tier 0ed the place after October Banlist handed out 7 limit to the top deck and effectively killed #1 & #2. I would be aware that the Wind Shaddoll could make Herodoll incredibly good so just keep that in mind. Also seeing Diamond Dust is being sided, main Raigeki, enjoy the tears of OCG players who wish KoJ would unban some cards Torns ~100+ is what you want for competitive builds (ik its obv but might as well say it) How can they main Raigeki if Raigeki is @0 in the OCG? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryusei the Morning Star Posted November 10, 2014 Report Share Posted November 10, 2014 How can they main Raigeki if Raigeki is @0 in the OCG? Black is focused on making a TCG deck ( if your into OCG please correct me and tell me) so he might as well use the upgraded version of Diamond Dust and thus enjoy the tears of OCG players who wanted it unbanned ( it was actully an OCG idea) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted December 7, 2014 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2014 i had forgotten i had thisAdded Wicked Flight, Battle! Rebellion Leader!, and Future Colors to the OP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forest Fire Posted December 7, 2014 Report Share Posted December 7, 2014 about your infernoid build: they can't be special summoned except by their own effect, so what does Leviair do? (I also found that Necroface was more used when I needed to shuffle infernoids back into the deck, since they only banish other infernoids. Also what is there for Blaster to search on the off chance he's banished by something like D Prison?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted December 7, 2014 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2014 about your infernoid build: they can't be special summoned except by their own effect, so what does Leviair do? (I also found that Necroface was more used when I needed to shuffle infernoids back into the deck, since they only banish other infernoids. Also what is there for Blaster to search on the off chance he's banished by something like D Prison?) Leviair gets stuff banished by blaster That's what Necroface is for.... Blaster has no targets for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forest Fire Posted December 7, 2014 Report Share Posted December 7, 2014 Leviair gets stuff banished by blaster That's what Necroface is for.... Blaster has no targets for that. the only things you have to summon Blaster are the Infernoids, I thought you might have some other use for Necroface, and that's why I (eventually) took out Blaster. he doesn't really do much besides banish monsters the Infernoids need for their summons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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