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[Leaderboard] Rera vs Giga (ENDED)


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(copied and pasted from Jinx, who copied and pasted from Triky, who copied and pasted from Duel Emperor, who copied and pasted from Empoledom)

  • Votes must be with valid reasoning, going "Card A wins" won't do, follow the Leaderboard rules!
  • Voting is based on the functions they have in the game, meaning that you should talk about the effect, stats etc.
  • Good votes gets a rep from me, opponent's rep is optional.
  • Both I and the opponent have the right to decline your vote based on your comment or ask for further reasoning if either contestant feels that it's not adequate.
  • Both contestants can disagree with the others acceptance of the vote if they feel that the answer was no adequate.
Rules and Rewards:
  • All YCM and 1v1 Leaderboard rules apply.
  • First to 3 votes OR whoever has most votes when the contest ends wins.
  • Winner gets a rep from the opponent, other rewards are optional.
  • Must fit in the rules of realistic cards on this site.
Entry Requirements and Theme:
  • make a Spirit Beast card
  • Must be written OR made in YCM and remember to make sure that it's not possible to see who made the card, i.e. remove your name from it.
  • Send a PM to me with your card and remember to include text. Other information is optional.
  • Entries are due 2 days after the challenger is accepted. Votes are due 3 days after it's open
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