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Imperia|January [ Interest Check ]

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"All journeys - fantastic, or otherwise - have a beginning."


You are not alone; with you stand a few figures, some of which you know well, others unfamiliar.


You all share a common goal; to attempt that which has been attempted few times, and completed none.


You want to find Hades, and you finally have a lead.




This roleplay is very much in its alpha state.  What if the Greeks reigned supreme until the modern day?  What if Christianity was never invented, and the Greek Pantheon, with a few sparse additions, still reigned supreme?


The roleplay would focus on a small group of people journeying through treacherous, narrow corridors deep in the earth, and absolutely hellish environments.  It is to be heavily combat and puzzle-focused, as any Grecian myth would be.  Modern day technology would exist, but it would - except in select areas - be sparse along the way.  Gods will exist, but their appearance is also to be far and in between.


Roman and Grecian names are able to be used interchangeably, as the gods are much the same.  Ares is the same as Mars;  Zeus is the same as Jupiter, Apollo is... uhh... Apollo, etc.  Gods with no Greek counterparts in Roman mythology are in this roleplay, as well;  an example of this is Janus, god of transitions and journeys.



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