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Gatling HERO


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x3 Armageddon

x1 Barrel Dragon

x1 Blowback Dragon

x1 Bubbleman

x3 Prisma

x1 Scarm

x3 TGU

x2 Versago



x3 E-Call

x1 Foolish

x2 Miracle

x2 MST

x2 Overload

x1 Raigeki


x1 Soul Charge



x1 BTH

x2 BTS

x1 Compulsory

x2 Prison

x1 Warning

x1 TT

x2 Emptiness



x1 Absotule

x1 Escuridao

x1 Shining

x2 Gatling

x1 Dweller

x1 Castel

x1 Downerd

x1 Beelswarm

x1 Alucard

x1 Excalibur

x1 Mechquipped

x1 S.H.Ark

x1 Leviathan

x1 Zenmaines[/spoiler]


The goal of the deck is to set Blowback, Barrel and Versagos in the grave as soon as possible with the aid of TGU, Armageddon and Prisma so the Overload Fusions will be live when you draw them, and then proceed to drop Gatlings and generate up to a +3 every turn. Since the deck runs Prisma I decides to further support the deck with E-Calls, Bubbleman and Miracle Fusion. Barrel and Blowback are awful draws, which is why the deck runs a single copy of each.


I actually had this deck for a a long time now, but I recently updated it with the new cards and current banlist.


Yeah, I am aware the Deck is not competitive and doesn't stand a chance against the top tiers, but I would like to optimize it anyways, which is why I am posting it here. Also, if you find in a way of consistently adding Shadow Mist/Dark Law to the mix, I would like to know it.




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