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Agro is Leaving Again


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Don't know how long I'll be gone.


Chances are you won't miss me anyway.


Be sure to give me your 3DS and Wii U Friend Code and s*** tho


3DSFC: 0903-2776-9997; NNID: agrodrago; PSN (I have PS3 & PS4): Scorn9


If you're gonna add me on anything, tell me in this thread who you are


otherwise i just wont add you


I'll be on skype erratically, assuming you have me.


If you don't, let me know,


and I'll let you know if I care about you


Probably don't though




You all kinda suck



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Does Ene have your Wii U so we can Mario Bike 2 Mario Kart 8 sometime?

EDIT: This might be answered with "I posted it in the OP" or something and while that's fine and everything, what I meant was "Did he already add you?"

The only problem I find with this is how we'd know to go on at the same time, but we should do it sometime (I should go on Skype more...).

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Does Ene have your Wii U so we can Mario Bike 2 Mario Kart 8 sometime?

EDIT: This might be answered with "I posted it in the OP" or something and while that's fine and everything, what I meant was "Did he already add you?"

The only problem I find with this is how we'd know to go on at the same time, but we should do it sometime (I should go on Skype more...).

we should tho. And i already have a nagspastry (or something close) of which I assume is you.
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