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Sir Yamiegg

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Behold The Best Ice Barrier Deck (EVAR)!


When addressing The Best Ice Barrier Deck (EVAR), you are to refer to it with its full title and regal blue bold colouration!


STRATEGY FOR The Best Ice Barrier Deck (EVAR)


Many people who build Ice Barriers make the mistake of including too many Ice Barrier monsters. Most of them are RUBBISH!


Yes, you heard me, RUBBISH!


There are only a few worthy of usage in The Best Ice Barrier Deck (EVAR). Give it up for the on, the only, the king himself, GENERAL GANTALA!


Gantala is the core of the deck. He Summons Ice Barriers, unfortunately, during your End Phase, but Summon them he does. He makes a temporary wall with Defender and/or Cryomancer while giving access to Leo with Defender and Rank 7s with Tidal and Level 7 Synchros, especially used Arcanite Magicians. Only 1 is needed; we have D.D.R. if all else fails.


We therefore devote a lot of the deck to dumping and summoning him - which brings us onto the second heart and soul of the Deck: Prior of the Ice Barrier. You can win without Gantala but you almost never win without Prior, giving access to dumped Gantalas and Strategists. Prior is what makes the deck viable - and therefore we need Salvage, Surface and CoTH (to a lesser extent) for big plays.


Number 3: Strategist of the Ice Barrier! He is a great dumping engine, speeder-upper and Rank 4 food to boot. He makes drawing/adding Gantala to the hand actually worth it. He also works very well with Bubbleman and Summoner Monk. This IS a fast Deck and Strategist is half of what makes it so.


I wish we had better Tuners. Honestly, they're not very good. But we need our Synchros - and the Tuners provide a half-decent attack lock for us at least. We run Cryomancer because he's Level 2 and we like abusing Dewloren with CoTH and Fiendish, which we can draw consistently due to our Strategist drawing stuff and lots of dumping.


Bubbleman, Summoner Monk and Zephyros make Rank 4 power for the desperately-needed Lavalval Chain to dump Tidal and Barriers. We can also fuse into Absolute Zero, which saves us at times - especially as we'll most likely have a lot of face-up WATER monsters. Zephyros abuses CoTH, Fiendish and sometimes Prior. I'm considering only 1 Miracle Fusion, but @2 we draw it more often and worst-case scenario it's Monk/D.D.R. food.



Despite this being The Best Ice Barrier Deck (EVAR), it would still like to hear from you! Yes, that's right, from this day forth it will accept gladly any constructive criticism/suggestions you may care to post! 

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