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Exodia an old concept with a new look

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5 Exodia Cards

3 Archfiends Soldier

3 Mad Dog of Darkness

3 Vorse Raider

3 Renge, Gatekeeper of the Dark World

3 Mechanicalchaser

3 Opticlops

3 La Ginn Mytsical Genie of the Lamp

3 Gilgarth

2 Zure Knight of the Dark World



3 Heart of the Underdogs

3 Veil of Darkness

3 Allure of Darkness


This deck should get exodia in about 3-4 turns possibly less i got desperate for monsters towards the end if there are any other 2000+ def/atk 4 star dark monster you can think of plz post

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ok you mis understand this deck will be weaken by extra magic and traps due to them being unveilable and unhearted, if i draw a dark normal i can discard for veil and show for heart which gives me 2 cards, then i check each of those cards in turn and if both are dark normals i can discard for 4 cards building up an unstoppable stack of drawing

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