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[Trick Or Treat] Redemption


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Lord Mask~

Forgive me, my lord, the Goose hath escaped my Ice Prison and hath returned back to thy trail. I plead for thy forgiveness, please don't unmonster me. I hath captured the stunning specimin known as Monmusu. You need not fear her powers, I hath frozen every molecule in her body to zero motion. Her body shall lie in agony, for thy amusement, for all eternity. The Winter always reclaims it's prey, the foolish goose shall come after me and you, my lord, shall be spared....

In Loyalty

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Yo, I call bullshit here.
Da Ji worked towards her capture scene.
So did the Operator. (more behind the scenes than Da Ji but still.)
But you just come in like "Yeah I did this".
Stop harassing my baby girl, Snowflake.

Hush....lord Mask may hear you *all three heads look around in fear*...I put work into capturing goose and that failed.....miserably
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I was under the impression that the new ability to bypass hisenbergs UP meant you cannot confirm the third law of thermodynamics


I suppose what we call impossible is what we simply haven't observed yet. But as it stands we've never created absolute zero conditions or observed it anywhere in the universe. And my college physics class told me not long ago it's impossible. So obviously I'm meant to end my thinking on the matter there.

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Forgive me, my lovely angel, but I value my life more than your's and lord Mask is very very upset that that blasted bird escaped my ice prison and is still actively pursuing him....*jabs with a vac seen*


I suppose what we call impossible is what we simply haven't observed yet. But as it stands we've never created absolute zero conditions or observed it anywhere in the universe. And my college physics class told me not long ago it's impossible. So obviously I'm meant to end my thinking on the matter there.

And until about 2 months ago we were unable to observe an electron and had to come up with shit like orbitals, as it stands now, the Third Law of TD cannot be proved, as we CAN observe a particle at 0 movement by observing its twin attached by a quantum string, sure it hasn't been seen yet, but it's very possible.Ā 

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*continues to increase the heat*

I'm melting!Ā melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little cow like you could destroy my eternal wickedness? Fear not, your daughter shall not live long, she shall join me in eternal death at the strike of 12





d-don't stick it in so hard so suddenly!

*tears form*


*Aggressively sticks in hard as he slowly melts getting some satisfactions as death approaches* FORGIVE ME LORD MASK FORGIVE ME

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d-don't hurt toyo!

Toyo is gone, worry about yourself, I am immortal, I am eternal, every last one of you shall perish before I die, *twitches in agony as Lord Mask's anger increases* NOOOOOOOOO, GOOSE ESCAPING WAS NOT MY FAULT, FORGIVE ME.


*body reforms Grins evilly as he decides to leave the air bubbles in the vack seen*

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I think Winter is too busy melting to stop Monmusu from leaving at this point.

All it needed was to make things a little hot in here, I should've guessed.

Maybe I should've just brought Shiki in here in that case

Fool, I erased an entire Terminal World simply by awakening from my slumber, it will take more than that to finish me. Your daughter's frozen corpse shall decorate my halls forever






There is only one price I will accept:Ā Goose murdered.

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